Show notice for pub publication nah publisher dee of a th ih interior U A U and boffl office t bah it tale lake city utah coo 0 octobers 9 1916 NI notly hereby given ellen each J talbot U dunton rf ph P Pra gonah h utah uh who h on N november I 1 19 1911 mud H E ew entry w acci serial N no chasn for NEK E ea NW action ca IE 16 nil cd on A 1315 sn made Id local H eat enter frill no nc stas f forsea SE SW SW SE ecklon tha Is 10 town sll autti th M granbe sc 8 lek le weats k A L bacod mendan hu hat alsot died notice of intention to make anve year proof t bach h claim U the he and above dha ifor a the clerk t the court p farcin h utah ts on th ua lath tho day of november nc 1915 1916 cl claimant aa rc robert 0 tc tol hot gerv G A A robart H a Benjain ln openshaw w all of a Par 12 aRonah utah could 1 A lr blakely F ft oct ll 11 ant nov IS notice for Pub publication licate b her dc cat of a the interior U A luid d ofha at t salt uke C city t nets sc sept a 29 1916 gotico NI ll 11 hi hereby h i sven th 1 13 A of LOB atha h on as O october act A 8 1911 tande ae la entry c arll is no ess it for aw 1 ecklon I K 34 13 audi th Is fit wt ako I 1 aitchi meridian is hu 2 a blocs ot a it fi 1 etca 1 bh allm ito 1 the d aca berate before th clerk a use ail tact court t utah d day of a november uns cl claimant Claim tnt camei sh irit nece L a L clifton caf of 1 lund loss utah uh thomai brkic of lot h california ch charki 11 P cut clifton of L lund d A arthurc steele ot lo 10 angeles gould A Biti Blike lr Jac reatter Reft that ter fast celt icat na NOT 1 notice for publication C publisher ih Dc darca rca of the interior U S 1 land 14 4 office t salt uk lake city car U utah a sept 29 1916 notice nc I 1 1 1 hereby kiren that bad benjiman Benjim 1 tn 9 nd a dox of 0 L low AI A angelca I california who he on oc october tar 30 19 1911 1 made huttl H Home Keul entry serial N no sea for ea action 1 township town ahle thip st 34 auth th tang U skit lake meridian hm filed botic of intention to make bv vear proof to claim to the land s e beal before babot th the clerk of a tb the lh district cap U utah k on U aba arso day of november I 1 1916 cl claimant a nine U laura L clifton ch Chari A cap eaP of a lund lead U hufh h thih thanna bark I 1 ley Enia nue R kinkaid of a low lat aki A ki california geo COULD 13 13 1 ri first fint oct 4 1 lait nov N 8 notice for publication publisher I 1 department ol 01 the Ints norU Us S land YI cioma oma office isalt faucit lal city u auh a sept 21 ns 1916 notice i hereby by given that woh willam M va of a lund utah h who h on ce november 12 1911 naila a entry nr N aff for fic hast naw A SH s sati W s section 1 T township Town thip h he 32 south ris buike breit 4 sn sit lelce Is dh shai filed notice of a I 1 intention to mk three noce aca deim to a before I 1 use the C of a the U onynet court I 1 t uto uth the asch 11 d dy I 1 f it oct 1916 Claims nt a witnesses finh k parren bun ent lee it miller and J anvid d leifa ab cla oil of lund led aho goulo goola B R 8 cia fot still 21 aft oct 26 notice ter lor publication ir UP cocetta the 1 11 interior U 8 lad offitt ct sit salt uk lake city C utah september 23 WS ti natii cleat hereby hels given U that at arthur C A breele aca at LOB ahi california who h on 0 october SS I 1 d homestead Homei tead etu enal no fotna ali NEK NSW NH action ct 9 township a 33 bouth th ange 14 aft t sk merld h hi artict of intention to to ta wh ath achs bac d aca ba beeforth be forth 11 carl ot the tt cc court tt uth on th ut d day of a N jhc u 1918 G at claimant t bunei ch ahrlett Chr lett P car hl ah ton lurt L clifton of lund U utah th berkley sh emanuel sael R kiad of a a lo 10 adesa rh gould A pint fit oct 4 ht nw B S notice for publication publisher Pu blither a I 1 A ld office 1 sit t C U bic sept 29 is IS kot al ee i at ahm n thorna artley kloyd 0 L lo 10 A anselc tio Olito miB wh who on N Noven ibM it i nal 1 mula 0 I Haneit ae rd entry ear erial 1 no nc athes for nit LZ buon Is M township SI 23 auth th annee IS if wt s1 sa ata h bu cw of a ia ln fention acs to eriika k A alv ha 1 year proof to clini to ll is land bove sac before th clerk of th dr let court P ucha on ch 0 th utah lath d dw d 0 ls november is 1916 claimant t h 1 lurl chri P calf catton gilbert Y love 1 I cr 0 I 1 utah hc A A kincid ht oclo Anif elf c all acad gou d B blaay amt oct L 4 1 lait hw ha 9 |