Show just fakes it has come came to the attention of the times that the old game of fake solicitation has been worked in utah young fellows men and women tell you that they are trying to work their way through college or engaged in some other noble enterprise and that you can help them materially by subscribing to some magazine at 25 cents a year you take pity on the A struggling person and help him or her by paying the money but you never see the marazi magazine US you hAvell been sett duped and by the the time you find it out the parties are operating hundreds if not thousands of miles away another fake scheme th that at is 13 operated in these parts la is for far solicitors A to brace you and show you printed matter ostensibly put out by a bin big mail order house in chicago or new york you are shown goods at ridiculously low prices price you are asked to pay in advance adv anceto to the solicitor A he tar and wait for the goods good they never arrive |