Show mothers mother R ruse failed dear alti mabel had bad sent cut the t thice sam morgan children a very beautiful wit atio fruit peach malle made ot of sugar legal and nicely colored mrs MA thought they ought to be saied ed ft the aldi thal thought glit diffee dif differently fre antly no now you really all mesa t out eat t them h in ou know explained mother other 1 in a Is la d de cr a t e effort they 1 loolu awfully y P pretty t ty but 1 I in not at sure a that louo the coloring r ing aw may Y u not at be do dangerous A berous in tact feet aw ahe went on dropping her voice la in nn an on tiresome mom whisper hapl 11 1 I have a heard board of dying aiom am eating coined things un she ear thuu feht that would do the with wik i b but early ly next morning she heard a sound hovas out OB A th the j lain 1 linK and 1 l g going in g to bee a who waa a astir s so 0 e early aly f found d E dale lt i A trotting along the passage wh where a veade are levou vou going dear she ehe a liked 11 ita 8 not six a 0 clock yet going to see if dick and al ai thur are am dead yet 1 I replied the eight ear at old ack alts I 1 I 1 ins m not at |