Show ANOTHER AMERICAN battleship IN commission tr if I 1 I 1 X I 1 0 kb E IZ v it A f ta bl bi ul 1 the arino ari no a ing boits for fc pen peat tle to atrice a or of which thre me is four two forward a and two aft thee the 14 loth inch gian are said by na ninal nai I officers to he be lum superior mine to the 15 inch guin ot f fit the queen quee Eli elilabeth labet th bleat eat britain a greatest sait fighter naca dpn the ari arizona aft was put into amoul l nt go the h no new lork lock no navy vard Is re unit antly the vermont mt unit ant new ew hampshire bleg relegated rele Rated ate to the r erve and 1 in spite of that the art arizona he s y not let he her full biant complement larriet larri ah he should he have 1014 1 me men and she has ha only 1 I th the e arizona is a sister ship shin of in ile s n capt PC john D 11 donald who to took coul annd d of the arizona Is if the i insert n bort |