Show vittle little sir galahad A story blessing with a f by PHOEBE GRAY sam copy right by 1 small ft company CHAPTER XIV continued I 1 17 lem will re recover r 3 john ill though he be IB a badly injured maa and as he bo will be laid up a long S time I 1 thick his fr friends ad need deed out not be uneasy about the recurrence curce ce of the liquor creil cr areil craving eil billy mid willett Wll lett do you know I 1 have hall lately bee been reminded of some I 1 thing ing af a friend tend slid bald to me many years 90 it 1 was sas that the man who led hail felt fell the of Ilde cope person perm lie ally made do the rell reil fighter fights against the liquor best business 11 th atiat mark abts ba come ale to me am with th the force of ft a blow 11 do doctor tor billy made mad a no m reply p ly b but t a sat at staring g thoughtfully trully lie though The aubin fi fore e hl him then he la took ob ff his bis big shell rimmed spectacles and ad polished tile them with critical attention as if t v the work rk were ire of the utmost importance she john he eald aid presently that a your answer M or sly MY answer r last bat night nigh t you yon kept asking ashing nil 11 the no way out at to the farm V hy why do dont t you remember yea I 1 remember ber but am rana V well ell then you will be surprised when I 1 say that you are in a war pm personally dually r responsibly more than even francis or lem for far the unhappy a of curr of the lat last few days 1 I I 1 a how do your you 1 I rema remember robs the that t raw campaign pull hera bars in sheffield fild all 1 yeara car ago age I 1 remember member you went act to europe and I 1 heard beard that shot a few people were bold enough t to 0 say by the that t bellit well it you had bad stayed at home the result would have been bee different this may or may not be true out but so ao much 1 Is true if you had bad been deeply concerned for the outcome you never would have base grew gone willett looked A as p puzzled led us aa a ell child id H he ia was hurt even a little offended or aa much so as g one could well be with billy jackson your bov bor not alone yours but CT cry boy in the community comm nulty grows up to see men like you good gold men hon bon ored ime men ou men of prosperity and 1 in fluence wink at athla thing you salve your f coos clette by a single vote once a year and perhaps a check you yon gay BAY to yourself that you have done year duty that you have expressed your preference tor for the right thing that you yon have set a good gold example yon do don t drink you dont want boz your yo r boy Y to do BO 0 but you or most men like you often say my you have no Object objection IOD to a mans mana drinking mode at abely ly it 11 he be knows iw low how to handle it it it ft a all 11 been gone over so BO many many times three said doctor billy sadly badly rog forgive m me if I 1 have hurt you so terribly job john but I 1 wo am a surgeon urge I 1 it t is my buse business to hurt people I 1 am a sorry t to 0 say ill uk god it is often y through h that hurt that they are a made whole A the spring campaign was on once more and again agnin acala stubbs sat at 1 in the saddle for several years the ca cauce of no li license cerea had bad 1 languished ge had but the napoleonic po leonie f tubbs rem returned tied flow the me elba of the slums where he had bad gone to await the psychological moment and labor while le b he waited mowry ahl R jones bw bad 1 made good at the opening of the campaign the I 1 tea lew reporter bad stepped out of the sieve eleva tor lot at the top floor of minot house D don t you remember mal be aked when lie he bad found charlie thomas who was A busily driving delving into the pull otili ties offet of a set of water color point paints why yes you re mr june jones of the view charlie held out his head band then than 1 in some bo me embarrassment he eald aid the reason mason I 1 remember you I 1 la because bebe m be I 1 w was I 1 we was p ratty pretty mean to you yen the other time you came u am here has I 1 ve in always been f for or ill that u p alc le turn ture I 1 guess goes I 1 hu hurt rt yo your or feelings fee linga pretty bad yes yea that aright B right you did said rod bod a ney ey jones not but you know killer a lot let of at people boilers believe it a only the be bad testing medicine that due does bay any good it th then a ld bis a face ace grew very earnest and d S ue he began to talk to the young or art stu t d dent at with a ont certain alln note of persuasion 2 leto let s eak ask your you mend friend mcgregor mid bald jime after a I 1 few minutes 1 A tea of spir lied argument gurn ont it a a splendid opportunity said bald mcgregor heartily mr jones jonea year tour paper 1 is doing a great wort it ahta 11 year vv we I 1 II 11 1 orly surely put pat the liquor people e 1 out A 1 of business if thomas does w what hat you ask it will be the fiu t I 1 ible blow I 1 m convinced call of it loueff man it f you want at to serve this city to do a ra really a any big 19 thing you will aalke calke those tile t u e on the day on an which the first picture araj tile the entire city rocked with ith aau laughter aft e e then then or the h e city aty stopped to p tied ind lauell ali 1 ing g and d gr grew or m IA h hat t kind M of was it that looked asked set out from behind that ridiculous mast mask was wag it runny funny was waa it a joke to realize that sheffield we was governed by that type 0 of aan whose w a el I 1 nitter tar personality we waa now imer 1 in athla 1 simple picture stripped naked far cor and it analysis the politicians who had so BO far CB ca taped began bage to haral nhe as a saw new of the view appeared on the ft t th question we ana saw be bertt tt them always was next bud ami as toon loan as a man saw himself held up to the ridicule nud and con can tempt p of his hia townspeople he be realized in that 1 hla his days of political power were new 0 limbered bead C charlie hold theme did t have to see bee his subjects in per person an 11 he drew draw fr from photographs lie ile did not miss firs fire once are nor WILS it necessary ary tor for him to confine himself to portraiture hnz ow end and ile he mode made a picture of a home t that let drink had bad ruined indeed of if pitiful children of for turn lorn w women odou people studied these pic to turcs and ad cried then the they act belly to the polls rod drove a nal nail lot into tile the coffin coffil of the liquor low business dass in 11 chef luef field old after election the mound no or of T ote on th alie grae ft ae 0 of t the h enemy was so 0 h high ion as ga the h e jubilant j ese jones j nemy wn an need in ill the evening mew Ilaw that it coulbo could be on surmounted bunted only by a aid id of 1 fire fireman a ladder ad dr and the there as a only on one news more picture for or you to draw good old boy aalde old ion jones on the day after the obsequies you ve been doing some great work but it g been so uniformly negative I 1 m thinking the public would be delighted with the portrait of a real good eld aen let 8 run john ft allett a pt picture lure tomorrow has he a been branch through it all 11 put his hia money brains brain and nulu ence coca lot into the aral ectlis and 1 la the see one man who be deserves the thanks thank of at this thil community combe cambe his personal interests b have ale b been n sacrificed for far he be is of ad dollars dollar poorer today than he was yes Is berday aday for in instance stemm hla his stock in the defor linthe old re la probably cut at in half 1 f B but at wallett a true blue let lets a ru run id hla 5 picture JIMA produced a photograph of john willett Wll lett and charlie set act to work jose jones standing at his elbow frowned hold on boy he said id you re get ting all mired up this is john wallett you re drawing not sim simon n lagree begres say it d never ever do t to P print that charlie su surveyed his bis bandi handiwork work with horror occur his picture of john willett equaled in the uple unpleasant nt quality of its rev revelation AtIO A almost I 1 lost any that he be had bad done during the campaign ca pm dominating do the IS caricatured fe features ru was ae selfishness ca a refined sub subtle tie and indifferent set self belt lishness it we waa not hoggish isho ish no o it we was nothing so frank aa t that ha t but I 1 the mons was there them h unspeakably 1 1 an 1 Y u to ter charlie covered hla his far face with his hand bands oh jimmy 11 he erica cried yoo couldn coulden t use that you coida t use th that V V hy by mr willett a one of my 1 very best beat friends he sat and pond pondered r d I 1 will w get you a picture of mr wt wll self lett he be sold said you wait here janesy he bitched batched briskly away y although the defect in his gal gait I 1 we waa notably ill dl allai in ten minutes 1 auto be wa waa la in job john willett s office ill A man eat at at job john NN billett S a desk a in man with roy gray at his bis temples tempi ard and deep haggard lines in hta his far face gen gray Y shrank appeared too in hi his cla closely IY trimmed i 11 d beard but bis big eyes laughed who anen he be greeted charlie thomas nello little sir galahad he be alid how ow goes the quest today 2 I 1 think we gained a few ew steps top yes yea miller said mid the boy bay 1 I I 1 should say we did cried john ft billett coy ay Y young 9 fellow what are you yon doing drawing your you picture for far tomor tomer row we s I 1 ww few what s that you young I 1 imp T arc w yen ou to ta L LOOK it here cp charlie rile boy he how many say people know knew you yon 1 are I the mysterious cartoonist the there or arc men man tn in this low town who would be delighted to skin you only three or four people know it ay oad and th they it 11 never tell I 1 in a afraid I 1 ive a hurt a lot of feelings it its a dreadful to know theyon that you im have a done thit I 1 used to think so too charlie but this thia thing we aft have e been fighting g tg ha hurt your f liess and mine e hasu a t it IN e do don t regret tho the results result do we bell bova nope I 1 said charlie there that a better I 1 ile he drew out the sketch he bid bd made ill from the he photograph of a jo john lon W wallett 1 I ett sin 1 vears car a jun jaunty ty care cam free fe indulgent john aidlett ft allett Murd tr cried n 11 11 t you don I 1 say A I 1 all eer looked 11 like I 1 thata at your soul used to I 1 guess said charlie but it dosa t no now w T the be p pic turn ture in tomorrow a piper paper 11 a suit it you on better 11 ill never pet get over this A C charlie arlie said willett it isu ian t the k ath that hurts hurt ft its a knowing that I 1 cant den y the truth of it no no man ez can look look at see one of your year portraits a of f h himself I 1 mae f and tin say truly that it does cot at m rebeil 0 t ia his soul ou test next daiy diy d 17 w lsen ben people got get the 1 low a they sher nodded sagely and that a just like john he always way was a fine man this proves it me he a need aged lately latell but he if doean at t ja loaft chbr defir that eliat certainly is S an our own joan willett the one A who h A a b been n our or most useful aubil spirited citizen CHAPTER XV two Y bearb later the jhb guests at tile the W M billett dinner tah tab A huil hall broken into group when nhen the mial 11 we waa fir didell and ad bow w 1 in cor M ner 10 of the big library go sam waa ine earnestly lih jolla john willett while len lem brown bat at close by lying buying listening ill nil all liia his enre cam bud and sees occa glo nally grimins grI MIMS I 1 by gosh gab mr willett Wll lett its t lurt just I 1 tell you so sam waa baring 1 donno deal h bow wl ever or ho he thought ot of it ill ive b been imea him nil 11 winter fu iad and w with h them salve gears and ad an once a while hl I 1 id it we want to know nw what in t time ma he be was waa fryan to do charlie did in moat t of the work said aid efroin tem lem it wash bi bradna and say bay mr NN illert allett I 1 holes haven t auld fahl anybody yet but be belinta begin ginta today I 1 wa lem are am pliner lare bhare and all re alike 1 we 1 e fixed fired up she papers and ho geta get half my farm and dairy b bim businda bu sinia im as ft hill bile I 1 ret get a half bait interest I 1 in thu this as new separator a P brute patent of lem acma I 1 im re got eoln to IA put up what money a necessary to ta start makin a few fall of attachments lahs then the if 1 it growa too fast for far in me mr wallett s eves twinkled shrewdly if tt it grows growe too toa mat fast you may let in a little outside capital pilot eh 9 1 you yon solid bald mr me wallett Wll lett 1 cont continued d aam so Graf fil III ft it you listen isten to how b ow fa fast at those these w am re han can you beat it att you yen see mr mra brown waa A explain plain ing ng to martha thomas and nice mrs john willett of f course anything that pron fran pis 1 I recommended would be just beat about right fab merl all alle v it would be about right with all 11 of a us I 1 old martha thomas sam says he beard someone my any the other day t that hat mr me stacey has turned over almost the buoie hole management of toe the sure store to P francis cranel since he hes bee been made ad a partner at oh ob that isn an I 1 quite true A eald I 1 14 mra him willett I 1 r rands nels has a lot let to do with what hat he calls fig the n end but mr stacey handles bandies all ail the finances Y you smarts A coulon couldn t expect anybody with francis experience or lack of it t to look here mary alice said pro francis cis the hie two yen years A are up he held his bis watch toward her and she saw that it marked exactly sigh eight t fifteen the girl was string sitting 0 on a big leather covered divan frand francis A A on one lid aide of her be charlie on the other mrry mary alice ali caught a head hand of each or of tier bar companions and ad with both her a own laid held th guem I 1 in close class together then she be suddenly rel dently bowed her head and nd her shoulders quivered with a litt little sob bob mary alary alice stary mary alice pro protested I 1 P francis valls do don t do that dear why what weats a the a the matter he cast an appealing belp helpless le look it at charlie charles whom be he saw to be quite as as himself mary macy alice looked up through a mist of tears team I 1 just mulan couldn t help it she ahe slid mid I 1 im BO lisp hap happy oh francis r francis nels I 1 knew you it keep it I 1 never doub doubted you for fill a minute now ran can I 1 you no see tt it has been bece better batter I 1 there bar your mother at a looking at me let a ISO go out on the porch a few minutes minnice come along too charlie Charli eel asked F francis col charlie rile ambled in tied slyly do you really we want t well me he be asked ft ell replied r francis fact of course or pile roure re always we y welcome a but doo don t you think the nig night i t air might ep lea said it charlie 1 I guess guen it might francis and mary alice disappeared and ad charlie joined 11 mr W wallett Wll art lett his bis taher faher and ad lem TIMA those who saw him I 1 cross As the room n noted with affe affectionate cummo satisfaction rouge the n almost entire absence of long the he halting baiting awkwardness in his gait long ago he be had discarded his riotous yellow Y low wealth of hair and now DOW one leasin id saw the sp proportions of ties the shapely head with silt h it its broad brand thoughtful brow H his eye eyes clear blue straightforward f rd frank led and usually 1 Y u shining bluing with a vigorous good w will 11 lood held you yen s with th e compelling liht ag t charlie was waa sitting in the side aide yard working at some water em color sketches th the summer wind fluttered his thesis sheets as he be worked hens pecked ed bui busily flieck at abua 4 uttering w contented anup ted throaty diesel sounds code charlie a looked to up and off across the fields to where his bis 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