Show teely A RESUME OP OF THE WEEKS DO INGS IN THIS AND OTHER GO COUNTRIES important events of the past pain seven day reported by wire and p pr pared for tae no be benefit dait ot of the th busy y rea reader intermountain rollo C r bant an 21 was shot hot and in kit hilled on DD S wank pr araine i tie fit teen loan miles calles northeast of rl wash by walter hansen son of if john hansen of seattle the two rown men had previously engaged in a flat fist light fight 1 in which evans evana was the victor victo thousands of 1 baet citizens fit ia R salt it balce 1 I on monday and it accor cobit CO a genuine welcome home to the fIler and men or of the first sir dion utah a cavalry upon its TOT return TO from four faur month duty a on the or mexican lexical ot border fatally wounding one of ills his assail arts anta and wounding the other Cli charles chiarle arle A wood a street car conductor fit at agsen gac utah war non a gun fight tingle single handed monday it Y night when ban I 1 two a b ban n ill alta attempted d a street scree t car let holdup dup woods was wait slightly wounded john P olson oison of chicago has pur par chased based for 1 an oregon two tim her tract amb emb embracing ing about 2 feet ol of lumber the land lies 1 in THIA mook washington and lane ians counties coun lies G C harris a superior court J juror JI I was taken fro from the ary jury ima box at seattle and ad lodged in the county jail charged with disobeying a court order direct ing big him tal pay 10 a week tor for support of his wife po forty ty and one fourth percent of 0 the he 99 or registered voters ot of seattle a are m women according to the reg re giatra astra t aoa i on office the percentage of women registered I 1 has werd increased d 7 per cent it 0 o 1914 4 DOMESTIC united states senator william E 33 oh borah of idaho who has been speak ing for hughet hughes and E air binks in that state in ii seriously ill 11 at I 1 on in du do lac wis va and has been compelled to cin can eel cel his ape speaking king dates for the remain der of ye abe campaign th the m of if of hoof ul the me mexican i ic legalist leg alista party part which to maintain a its headquarters at el pas has issued a statement do de bouncing noun cing the candidacy of general C cm carranza m I 1 tor the file mexican boxi presidency A as U illegal 1 agal til the e world champion boston amer ic lean 4 a baseball la club has been sold old to harry H frazee france of new lock and hugh R ward rd of philadelphia three men held up W 3 to land ad cashier I 1 of it us the matzo state bank at mana maiee kans sea I 1 locked him I 1 in fit the vault and after gather gathering ing up 2 in currency escaped in a motor me car tk rill elul twelve own cent bread an bounced by the bg master 13 bakers kers asso elation as reo replacing lacing the old oh five file bud and standard loaves leave next week wilt will bit be ought bj b the organized retail grocer ot of ban francisco dr G R serm berlin a naturalized amer am er A an vs was or tested arrested at goclon ariz aria charged with conspiracy r A to export arms to 10 revolutionists t in mexico bm war rants also were ere leaned issued for a number of other othe persons ohn john copeland charged with the its killing 9 ot at william black an an antl if cath all Iset olic lecturer we was s found not of guilty hy by unfound a jury in the of district ct court at curves ton can to texas T the a german submarine deutschland Deutsch lind land a rived at new london conn con I 1 tuesday r B am morning captain koenig said th the deutsch deutschland land an a left bremen on an october 10 and made guide the trip alt without h out special P al icid incident lent the deutschland Deutsch I 1 land AT it ba had a car clr go of chemicals ch charles else T R amsell known A as P pas tor for russell an I 1 independent ad P minister editor of the watch tower and prom ment author thol died I 1 in a tram team a en route it tr los angeles angel to N rew ik ork heart disease was given as the cause denial let ch that at it the american calca federa fiscor alon of labor la Is supporting any one acet at of f candidates in the present poll chad camp campaign ign was made in a speech at pittsburg Fitts burg by frank morrison see sec rotary ot of the orgia organization za t ton at least per persona were are willed injured at usley ensley a suburb of birmingham ala when two street cars cz were ere tot tele swiped scoped in a lead headon collision no one was dangerously hurt the railroads railroad will face a nation wide aid strike W G lee president ot of the brotherwood Brother rood rowl of railroad train am men declared at chicago it if they make any attempt to pay employees only 1 Y I 1 for the hours chev work after the adamson lamson At law takes take a effect job john S butler founder of the news new P spar paper w which fell became litter iter the oak I 1 land trill tribune on and ad a pioneer cabitor alan an died at his reel residence deace sa in oakland ged aged 87 northern indi bull me ins schooled in wood craft through the signs of stream bud and forest see bee a kindly softened winter rod and t their h air labors are thus lessened they will not go to say any great shakes links to hav have a their squats squaws build warno warm wig ams ama they bay ay the abi coffee pot boiled over and caused I 1 a tragedy in the home of tars mrs walli william to of olaen a at chicago chicklo she left the put pot on an the IT gaa stove 1 in her home nd ad went want 1 to the store to when the cut cot lee fee bound boiled be over it extinguished the a acme and tz the fum fumes es asphyxia asphyxiated ted her husband bus ban ii ten thousand o bituminous no coal 1 aln I 0 region er era in the west virginia region have been officially not notified fled that their wages age had bee been 11 advanced 1 10 11 per par cent G the increase to become operative ope rathe at once 0 no na A number of stanford university fer sity men are arc to be sent to france it I 1 IB announced to join the american am service this has been bee made possible by several SO san francisco do business I 1 in men who have love ab subscribed bed the noce necessary ary funds but bat who request t sit ed tt their mats be d so sa ing of muni gs s to the amount carl of id OUO 00 a month hive h been tr lva fent len t row from the united states t to fu fit burup rope ever a r since the european s war our be b gan according to lajos LJ 13 emt einer for nis kanj say ia I eais a a a aident 6 t of the hundora ion qu question bon in its ita hearing beiring on the set sei t lenient elent ol of western farm lands land who is in chi cl washington columbia has bus protested to the unit ed stales against the tie ne canal twite route reaty dinati with nicaragua ciari aa on the ground g d the granting of a ninety nicety nine year I 1 ease to this government by nicaragua ni ragna of f great grant C corn I 1 and ad little corn cin mounds islands is a denial of colombian Colombi in sovereignty u n those h islands Auth authority ovit from congress to raise the CUBA cost limit may have to be sought by the gayy 7 department before it can award contracts for construction of f the tour four thirty five knot it t scout coal cruisers cruise in the th hall building program so bo man in 1 y y conflicting elements have appeared appe ired in the destruction of the its british ship fillip mr manna by agram a german sub marine with the I 1 loss of american lives thai I 1 fit the a incident ahr threatens to in fabj into a discussion discus bion rather titan than a clean cut issue us of whether get ger many has violated d be her pledges to the united states growth of the country B try a banking resources I 1 since passage P of it the federal adne r reserve act Is a put lot at t a six i and one an halt half billion dollars in a statement t issued by the comptroller tomp of the treasury the record is 19 declared to be without a pat pauinel after germany has bus been asked to furnish the U united cited B S at ates any information the imperial government may bute bae con ferning the sinking by submarines ot of the he british plan ste amera marina NI in and it ro anre stanmore th the request wc most was waa forwarded through the american embassy at berlin FOREIGN premier asquith in a written reply to 0 a question in the house of cout corn mons said a it the number of british Tilled illiana U mi killed drowned and it wounded by y the enemy follows killed or died of wounds or shock drowned 3 wounds shock a 4 jared injured 1693 the garrison at madera reports the capture pines of the villa leader rosario rosano garcia arcia rod and several of his men doca ments of importance were found on an the he prisoners emers the message sa it the british st steamer esmire marina was tor for ledged bedord without warning according to a statement stat int made by american sur bur 1 ivr ivors of the vessel I who bae reached dublin two american aviators have been killed hied near nancy according to a dis latch fatch received from that city the tha have WO won further adan advantages tage over the tha Aust austro german borcea on the transylvanian frontier ile war or offlie announced ad tuesday tim day fa 1 the jiul jed valley pursuit of the teat continues six americans american were war ill killed ed in he the sinking of the british stem steamer r manna according to a telegram telf gram received by american consul rinse frost at quee queens town fr fin who I 1 la believed to have been an american has been killed and two other american min WE ing engineers have been wounded in an encounter with armed bandits bandit ho he am bushed the patty 1 in nort northern era ko rea ifill th the object of if rub robbery luery british casualties reported in oct octo bc ber in all it war or areas as are officers 4 men is colonel roano carol a bandit who he has eluded the p pursuit it of the carr carranza so soldiers idies in so sonora era tor for three ears r Is a en tonte route to the art arizona A bord border r tor for the vowed avowed purpose of getting ammuel ti tion tia a and other supplies A strong blow south of the somme has haa enabled bled the germans to regain ground in the la ruc rd sector according acot 9 to an announcement by the french war office opium captain boellke Boell te the famous german slator aviator collided with another seen aero plans plane in the course of an aerial corn com bat on october 28 and on loading landing be hind bled the get german lines linee died as a result of his injuries on october b er 27 captain boelke had shot do down his tor for both hostile aCro aeroplane plane the russian Itus bian servian and rumanian to for cesin have bills ai anaed the on enslo according 0 aw to the ciff C iff cial news agency s odessa correspond ent a A dispatch received in london from fran the british minister to abeam abyssinia ki an ounces that a big battle hia has be been fought twenty five a miles outside of the capital a and a d results resulted d in a complete vie in lory cory for th the new government rim ras father of if the III late Co emperor lorn was taken prisoner the german reichstag retch stag had bad its stormiest meeting of f the present s ses sion on sunday when the question of abrogating bro gating the so called preventive provision treat arrest on suspicion came a up p arcadio Ar Annen mandaris danz a bandit who ith has Is ben operating I 1 in the lid vicinity of at el einaga and along the mexican amer lean ican border east of ojinaga has been captured and executed at ojinaga Amit troops have made further progress in the region oil of kronstadt bud and 1 in toa the direct direction im of if aPu lung accor lins to reports ft aiom oun BOTH berlin |