Show J a u FROM THE S1 i 5 Y Years Yearn Ago Fred Groso Oro celebrated his hI eightieth elgh flans ih t birthday 1 anniversary In the Miners Miner's Hospital where he was confined due to a heart condition Earl Father Patrick Cullen and Mel Mer Wright were patients patient at the Holy Cross i Hos-i In Salt Lake City Mr Mrs Dill Bill Mawhinney andson ant and and andson son enjoyed t two two day day nuta auta trip to Jo the Bear Dear Lake co country Mrs Ace Olsen and son Paul left for tor a brief visit with Olsen who was working on i d pipe tine line near Lusk Wyoming Murray of or Oakland Calif a brother of Mrs William was visiting In the Park for a week I Mrs Mra Les Taylor and daughter returned after a visit with relatives rel- rel I In Hurricane Utah I j i Linda Ryan Patsy Janet Stanton Sharon Drapes Draper i Thelma Thclma Re and Barbara Workman were the newly elect elected d officers of ot the Nifty Nitty Stitching 4 H 4 lr Club Park City Schools were to open September 6 6 G. Registration of vf s 's students was to take place on September 7 The following following follow ing were to staff the Park School system for the year Leland Wilde Mildred Baxter Louise I Burkey Durkey Irene Carlson Kathryn Hansen Jesse C C. Holt Male Rad Rad- don Drucilla Thomas Leon E II McCusker Kenneth Kenneth Ken Ken- neth Berett Derett Raymond Childs Child James Burkey Durkey Edwardeen Holt Darrel Barrel Milliner Victor Peterson Lincoln Robert Wright Anna Arma and Mason Smith Lunch workers were Lillian cumshaw Esther Anderson and Vera TTe Tree I A delegation of ladies ladles from the Ladles Athenaeum Club was was' present at the tiie City Council meet I I Ing to ask the council for their promise to do all that Is possible possible pos pos- sible to help the ladles ladies in their endeavor to start a museum in Park City The Tile old King store building had been secured for forthe forthe the museum site Legionnaires Fraser Buck John JohnD D Lange Santos i John Gibson and Ernest Lange Lange I j visited with wheelchair patients and attended a movie at the new I Veterans Veteran's hospital in Salt Lake City Mr Mrs James Taylor left for tor a ten days day's visit to Lava Hot Kot Springs Springy Ida Mr Mrs Jim Simpson and I family returned to Park City I from New Mexico where they had spent the summer I I Mr Mrs Chick Lloyd and Mr Mrs Frank Dorka Darks enjoyed J I Ja a few days days' vacation In Las I Vegas Coronation ceremonies startIng start start- Ing lag the Summit County Fair at Coalville were held Doris Durrant Dur Dur- j Dur-j rant daughter of ot Mr Mrs Will Durrant Durrani of Park City was an attendant to the queen Jerry L. L Yates son of Mr James Yates Park Pa City was ready to make mn-ke his qualifying Jump with the Airborne Division at Fort Bragg North Carolina A baby boy was born om to Mr Mr Mrs James 1 He was the second son lion on born to the couple A horce horte saddle and bridle wandered away from the Ivers ranch Mike Ivers spent two daS days looking for tor the animal The horse was last seen at the head of Thayne's ranch Ten Ye Years rs Ago Mr it Mrs Albert Johnson and family left for a weeks week's auto trip to southern California Mr Mrs LeGrande Peterson of Oakland Calif caUL spent two weeks In Park City visiting at atthe atthe atthe the home of Mr Mrs Fidel Martinez Jerome Paxton reported fo for tor work after a two months month's enforced enforced en en- forced vacation due to I I health A baby boy was born to fo Ml Mr Ie Mrs Jack Lindsay Jr It was the first born born to the couple and aneS the fourth grandchild for the maternal grandparents Mr Mrs Mra fre Charley Nimes HImes Reports of delegates delegat s to the firemen's convention were to b bA given at atthe the regular meeting of the Park City Volunteer Firemen Park City Local No went wenton wenton wenton on record as endorsing the nom nation of ot W W. H. H H. H Harry Cr Cranmer r. r for the office of ot State Senator Summit County's County Selective Board Doard No 30 90 opened Its Ita office olnee In the Court hurt louse House a at Coalville The board members were Ed J. J chairman Park Cst Qty City Douglas T. T Simpson Kamas Kamal and I F. F D D. D Williams William Q Coalville Mabel l n. n Larsen Lorsen clerk derk A program Pf presented entirely entire entire- ly Jy by the J John m A It Lindsay Sr family was wal given at the Park Parl City Qty First Ward Those taking part were Grace Kofford Dell WInn Wan Paul Cams Garna Les Lea Roach Sack fk Jr Keith Kelo Lindsay CUff Cliff Dick DI Kofford John A A. 7 Sr r CoR Ceanie le leV V Winn m. m Carol crol Gains earn Wan Winn Betty netty Prat Prat- bee Bonnie and aDd Jessie Roach i iEunice Eunice Stanton WM was to be a model In the Seminar for tor Sallies Sallie which was to be held at the University of Utah Sergeant W Wallace U e L L. Gibson I I was was recalled to active ve duty with the United States Air Force ForC I At the Miners Miner's hospital a baby daughter was wu born to Mr Mt Mrs Mr j I Franklin I l A game between Park City and andi i the Duchesne Tunnel boys was tobe to toI I I be played at the local tl field ld This i game was to be the second In a I two out of ot three g game game me series to tot toI t determine the Summit County I 1 softball championship Park City I i t had won the first game at Kam Kam- Kamas as a l lI I I I I Private Frank Fran It L. L son Bon of ot Mr Mrs Mra Emit Emil Marcel Marcel- i of ot Park City reported to I i Lackland air force lorce base to begin I i the basic Indoctrination course cours I i Mr Mrs Jack Haylor of I Monrovia Monrovia Calif were visiting atthe atthe at nt the home of ot Mrs Agnes Haylor Naylor Mr Mrs Robert J J. BIrkbeck and and- children r returned turned from Crom a i iI two weeks visit In the northwest I Mr Mrs Kenneth yan of Salt Satt Lake City announced the marriage of their daughter Beverley to William E E. E Dates Bates Jr Jr son of ot Mr Mrs William Bates Dates of Park City I Mr Mrs Jack and I family sent a 0 day In the Park ark at lit atthe atthe the home of Mr do Mrs Walter WalterI I 25 Years Ago Mr George Baren Daren was the winner of ot a blanke blanket raffled rattled off by the American Legion Aux 1 Ja t Fo Following the raffle rame h a a I meeting was held to complete plans for sending delegates to toI I the state convention In Richfield by the executive board I 1 The Park City local cal of ot the Civic and Relief Workers Protective Pro Pro- Pro 1 I Union held held a picnic at nt the I i city grove for tOr the members and th their lr families j I j I Two Park City Boy Doy Scout Scout i II combined Troops to attend the Boy Scout Camp at Scout Lake I j near Mirror Lake In the high I Virgil Street assistant I scoutmaster of Troop No was In charge of the gro gro ip Mr Mrs William m Koran Noran motored to Provo to visit with relatives Mrs Haran Ha ran remained ed to visit with her sister Mrs Waldo Thompson was hostess to her bridge club at her home I I J I I W W. 0 O Pell PeU g general chairman representing the western stem conI con- con Terence ference committee of ot the standard standard stand- stand ard railroad labor organizations spoke to the Park Kiwanis Club A A. S. S Louder and Tom P. P I Costas were elected delegates toI to toj j I attend the convention of ot the Utah State Federation of Labor I The men were elected at a regular reg reg- regular ular session of the local miners union i iThe The of the sta state stale e I under the auspices of the lican Club of Utah held their annual outing at Salt Summit Summit Summit Sum Sum- I mit County Republicans participating participating in the annual event were wee R. R R. R Fletcher Mr Mrs J.E. J. J E E. Jenkins Mr Mrs R R. R T R Hackett Mr Mrs Klyde Petersen Petersen Pet Pet- ersen Mr Mrs Andrew Petersen Pet Pet- ersen erSon ersen Mr W. W S S. S Horan Sr and Joe Clark The American Legion Department Department Department Depart Depart- ment Convention was held at Richfield The local post wis was represented by two delegates Dr W. W J. J Bardsley and Wilford Worthley W R. R Wade president of ot Park City Consolidated J Mines nes reported that the company would begin extensive alterations on It Its works Two popular young married couples reported the births of ot babies Mr Mrs Irs Bob Dob Kimball were made happy by Ity the birth of ot ofa ofa ota a son A girl was wal born to Mr Ie air Mrs Mr Jack Tallon Tallow Mrs Mra C P. P Nielsen the Bt Lukes Luke's Auxiliary at theS the S S. L L. home The following follow fonow Ing ladles ladies were present Mrs Irs r J J jf i fu Mrs Mr WitT Wit Wll- T t tc M e l Mt bits RUth I Ile le It Mrs Mra Rose Williams Mrs Mu Either ather Mrs Matilda West I Mr Mrs Grace Hays Mrs MayI May May- I Pax Paxton Mrs Ruth nuth ChI Chloe e Tuggle Mr Mrs Thelia Thelta Venable Ven- Ven en 1 able Misses Mildred d and Evelyn EvelynI I Tuggle Mr Mrs Mu William r C B Mawhin- Mawhin 1 1 ney returned from a visit to to 1 California I II I Mr Mt Mrs Mra Wilford Langford and children with Mrs J. J T. T Langford spent an afternoon 11 m S Salt Jt Lake City visiting Mr Mrs Elmer C Lee Iee and family I 1 I I J. J J J. Beeson Deeson former general manager of ot the Park City Consolidated Con I who was WM operating the I Cerro Gorta mine In Call California forma I at which a crew of ot Park City I miners were employed reported I a strike on the level of ot the property showing a vlen vien of ore I assaying three ounces In gold had been cut and on the I level a four foot vein of ot ore assaying assaying assaying as- as I saying 40 ounces In silver sliver and 40 10 I i i per cent lead I I I I 5 50 if Y nr ars A Ago Ajro o G G C II u. Prescott of Kama Kamas leased the Hyrum Bates Dates ranch for tor tora a period of five years At a sp special election of Park City Local No We Western tern I Federation of ot Miners held heM at the I Union hall Patrick McEvoy wa was elected financial secretary to succeed succeed suc suc- sue sue-I Jerry Shea resigned and Theo was' was elected trustee trustee trus trus- I tee to succeed Ba Bartley Batley McDonough McDonough Mc- Mc Donough deceased A fine baby boy was born tl to I Mr Mrs William Lloyd Williams won the 5 5 gold piece at the Liberty theater Professor Protessor II U. 0 O was the new violinist In the theater orchestra or or- or chestra Mrs Willlard Bircumshaw u shaw Jr was among the passengers passengers to tI Salt Lake I I Mrs G. G E E. entertained the Uhe the club and a number of ot Invited guests at her home r W. W H H. H Mt McConahay Conahay the well wen known Jeweler of Salt Snit Lake spent a day in the Park as the guest of his law father Ole Jurgensen Miss Mary Trafford resigned her hek position as ns matron of ot the Miners Miner's hospital and will wUl be re re placed by Miss A A. E E. Hanson from Nebraska John Cunningham the hardware hardware hard hard- ware man erected a chicken house and enclosed a n run on the lot north of ot Berrys Berry's Blacksmith Blacksmith Blacksmith Black Black- smith shOD shop shoo He was to i I ment In raising g chickens s a and d It if I successful would branch Into a I bigger operation In the spring I L T. T Covery sold his electric machine to Nelson the up-to- up up-to-I up date shoe man who would be beable beable be beable able to turn out better work Inconsequence in inconsequence inconsequence consequence Mr Covery Corry was to continue at his old stand I Rex Potts a young man workIng work work- Ing at the tin Un shop of ot H. H W W. i I Deighton while riveting some heavy Iron mistook the mid finger of his left hand for tor a rivet and struck stuck it with such force torce that he completely mashed the upper portion of ot It ft It was necessary to amputate the finger at the first Joint The Fraternal Brotherhood gave a semi-public semi social and entertainment entertainment en en- at their hall han In honor hon lion or of ot Mr Mrs Vivian White White- head Mr Whitehead was the new state tate manager for Utah The Park City Military Band Bandas was as present and furnished the music The CUC met at the home of ot Miss Dena Thompson Prizes were were efe awarded for a guessing contest contest con con- test and Mrs Mra A A. Matheson an and Ed Hogan carried off oft the honors Jinks Nelson of ot Park City announced announced announced an- an his hl Intention to run for forthe forthe forthe the office of sheriff on the Republican Republican Re Re- publican ticket John Dalgleish and sister Miss Margaret went to Salt Lake Lako City to visit with relatives and friends Morris Davis James Dalgleish and aneS Joseph Simmons formed a party that spent the day In Brighton |