Show I HOYTSVILLE Mae Vernon accompanied her Iter daughter Patsy and nod husband Elgin to San Sari 1 Jose this thiS' week Elgin hopes to obtain a II teaching position there Mae Mee Maewill will wilt visit with Meda Garns then then- return by bus Tuesday Sargent Dinner Twenty six members o of the Dave Sargent family had turkey dinner at the family home here Sunday Included were Ray Hay and family of ot Bountiful Norman and family of Ogden Mr Mrs Mra Lewis Merle Vernon and tam lam nv 11 v Mr Mrs Buster Duster Donna Keyes of Coalville Ray Rny Raywill Raywill will soon l leave ave for tor Michigan to attend school to continue le his studies on research Glen and his family are firo living In Kansas City where he is now practicing dentistry I Visitors attending church with wini friends and relatives were Mr St Mrs David r and family faintly Clifton Wilkinson Provo Mary and Afton Alton Hillier Mr Mrs i Vernal Pace of Salt aLke Agnes Crittenden of Heber Mr Mrs I Fay Vern and children Provo Mr Mrs Eldon Staley and family fam fame ily lIy Rock Springs Wyoming We are happy to see nose Hose Judd home again again after spending some time e in Ogden with Virginia Vir- Vir ginia and families She says she Is feeling better Primary will be hold held starting Wednesday Sept 7 starting at atthe atthe atthe the return of children from school I The Jibe family of Mr and Mrs Mrs- Tom Faddis have moved Into the Bill home We welcome the family to our town Birthday Party Mr Mrs Leo Crittenden Mr and Mrs C. C A. A Crittenden and andi i Melva telva Rees flees attended attend d a family birthday party Saturday evening in Roy at the home of Mr Mrs Fred Weston and Mr Mrs Elwood Peterson Peterton The occasion was to celebrate August birthdays birthdays birthdays birth birth- days of Ima Anna Melva Melv taut find fema t other gt a t c I |