Show r I I Wh What's ts t's N Ny New in y in t I I Mt it i. i Earl rl Pitt pm of San Francisco ap spent spent nt a few days dart last lut at the home of Mr it I Mr Mrs Mr Elmo Elm AWn I ton son Mrs Williams of Fairfield Calif arrived in llamas Kama Sunday Sund y to spend some time with her family tam lam lamny ily ny friends and relatives Itt Its a Boy Bey Mrs Olendon Glendon Jewkes returned home Aug 21 21 with their new baby boy He Ife was born bom tug Aug 9 in inthe inthe n the Price Hospital and weighed 7 7 pounds 7 7 ounces lie He will be named John Jay Yvonne John and end big brother Jimmy have been at the home of grandmother Jennie In She came tame Sept 1 to spend a week in n Kamas with the family Eye Surgery Mr I Mrs Mra Paul Mitchell and daughter Judy of Mound City Mo were the h house use guests of Mr b I Mrs James W Watson Jim is feeling better and back to work after his second surgery operation on his eye ye Mr I Mrs Tom Simpson and Cindy and Dick and Arlene Wilde WUde enjoyed a successful sage hen hunt at Evanston last tast weekend Mr Mrs Junior Crandal and children and nephew Mr W I Mrs Tom Simpson and children Drenda Brenda Dren- Dren da Shirley an and Black Dlack and Lisa Fitzgerald enjoyed the circus Lisa In hi Salt Lake recently Speakers at the Kamas Sunday evening service were Arlo Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Max Max- I well and Vernal Jenkins Carma Canna Bagnall a and n d Joann Blazzard played a piano plana duet Invocation was by Dale nale Carpenter and benediction benediction benediction bene bene- diction by Stanley E E. Best Missile Sites Emmet and Bonnie and children Debra Mae and Lan Lari Jane have moved to Roswell New Mexico Mardean and Stanley Shelly and Pamela the Carl Pres Pres- I cotts Itts and Keith and I families lammes also will reside there The Themen Themen Themen men are employed at missile I sItes Bites Mr O Oily Ody y Miles is steadily Improving Improving improving im Im- Im- Im proving after his Illness Out of town visitors last week were his sister and brother in brother law law Mr fc I f Mrs Eldred Eldre Walt of My Myton Myan ton his his' brother Edwin Miles Mites of Salt Lake I and nephew Jerry Miles MUes of Pocatello Pocatello Poca- Poca I I tello Idaho Hawaii Trip I Mr b I Mrs Donald Daniels and three children of Mesa Ariz spent three weeks with his parents parents par par- eats Mr Mrs Mm Walt Daniels before before before be be- fore moving to Los Angeles Calif where he will teach In a high school chool this year Walt and Arlene and daughters Dixie and Jacklin left last weekend for their winter home in Mesa Ariz On July 3 then left for tor Hawaii by plane and enjoyed a delightful seventeen days' days vacation Marlene Daniels Crandall another daughter who I Is a bea beauty ty operator Is at present in Nevi York taking la In special course in hair dyeing Wedding Reception Many out of town visitors attended attended attended at at- tended the wedding reception of Aurelia Lambert and Jordan Federsen Pedersen Pedersen Ped- Ped ersen ersen in Kamas Aug 26 Among them were Thorns Thorn's sister and in law Mr b I Mrs Laurence Laurence Laurence Laur Laur- ence ence Sherwood of St. St Johns Ariz I Mr Mt 6 Mrs Mr Roger Lambert of Baton Rouge La Dr br and Mrs D D. D ODran O. O Brian Dran Bountiful Mrs Eleanor Ure tire and daughter Eva Woods Wood Cross I IMra I Mrs Mra LouL Louise e Wagstaff was wa I pleased pleas pleas- t ed have hate a visit viall from her brother John Willey and his girl girt friend of Brigham City CUy Friday evening Pauline Taylor Davies her husband hus hue band Dr J J. J Kenneth Davies Dades and children have visited often with her parents Mr b I Mrs Moses C. C Taylor at their summer home at PInedale on the Weber river They Spent pent a year at Duke University where Dr Davies studied He lie was sent by the Fort Foundation to Stanford for tor three weeks this summer to do research work in his field Sunday Mr b I Mrs Cerel dines Olnes Mr Mrs Melvin Richards Mr Mrs Mr Douglas Olnes and children and Billy Richards left len after Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- SunI I day School for Hanna lianna where they were the Ute dinner guests of ot Maes Mae's niece Mrs Jean Billy and and Doug were the speakers in the Hanna Ward Sund Sunday y evening services services services ices Birthday Dinner Mr b I Mrs A A. A L. L Wagstaff have bave spent some pleasant days with their children in Provo and Orem this month On Aug 18 Mrs Josephine Josh Jose Joshphine phine Wentz had a family birthday birthday birthday birth birth- day dinner for tor her mother on Aug 20 their daughter Margarite Margar- Margar ite Mad Madsen en had a. a a baby girl in the Utah Valley Hospital so they spent a few days with Lyman Madsen Mad- Mad Madsen Madsen sen and children Gloria Carolyn and Patricia Jo They also visited their daughter Kate Bates Dates and family In Orem Family Gathering Mr b I Mrs Mra A. A L L. L Wagstaff Mr b I Mrs Ivan and daughters LaVerl Opal and Kathy and Mr b Mrs Albert Wagstaff attended a I family gathering and social at Al's Als sisters sister's Myrtle Taylor in Hollday Holiday Aug 25 Forty people enjoyed a asteak asteak asteak steak dinner and had a very sociable sociable sociable so so- time Mr I Mrs Mra Ferrill Brough Brought and family of Riverton Wyo visited Sunday I in Kamas with the John JohnLewis' JohnLewis JohnLewis' JohnLewis Lewis' Lewis and Elmo Atkinson Atkinsons BUI Bill Sweeney was gone a week doing assessment work at his hid mine near Salina Mary spent two daysI days in He Heber er the guest of ot Elvira I Wootten while he was gone Their granddaughter Mr Mr b ti Mrs Mra Jim Me- Me Fadden of t Salt Lake take spent the weekend end In tn Mamas Kamas with them i Jim Van Tassell and daughter daught t. t I Sheila have gone to Rosewell N N. M M. where he will be employed at the missile site I.- I. I |