Show I I Jacks acks 1 lilIs Best B st Bowlers I PARK CITY cm- Ti Team Tea m Standing Standings Won Lost Loat Jack and nd Dills 23 18 13 Alley Aller Kate Kats 22 13 I Ten Ten 22 4 13 Tom and Jerr Jerrys Jerry's 16 1614 19 1911 Guys Guy and Doll Dolls 16 20 Grasshoppers 13 23 The Stooges 10 26 I High single game game Gutter Gutter ter Bums Dumal Tom and Jerrys Jerry's The Th w Stooges r High tea STOil- STOil e a I game Ja I and Jill 21 Stooges I Gutter clutter Bums Dums 11 j jUgh High Ugh Individual single game game- Men Jack Wilson Elmer ElmerI I StahlE Stable 21 Earno Earne arne Anderson Women Fannie Williams I Elva Eha nether Esther Anderson Ander AMer- son lon High lUgh Individual three games- games Men Jack Wilson Earne Earn Anderson Anderaon 73 Floyd Grose 28 Women Fannie nw Elva Iva Speared E Esther Anderson Anderson Ander Ander- son lon dill |