Show k lABOR i l f I DAY DAY DAYi 1 1 I r i i It t i I I j i reminds s us once once A again that the best place t to work live IIvo and raise a family ami Is U In pur free land landof of America I Best Dest place to save Is In our b bank s W Vp will tr no business Labor Day Monday Sept Sopt tia aj THE FIRST NATIONAL B BANK A Qt y of Utah I tret SUf Jj J Save SY with St Safety 3 Interest Compounded SemI u FRIENDLY SINCE Come and Get It Everything ung in in the Place Goes at 20 to 50 Off i We Mean Everything n. n New and used use machinery even those valuable parts you know you'll be needing sooner or later STOCK UP NOW I. I W J 1 You'll Never ever See Such Bargains ir in iii Far Farm Machinery Parts If I G 0 Ide f o h I Equipment I KAMAS KAMAS UTAH UTAH i REX GOLDING Pf W I I I tl I 14 I 1 i t R I. I 1 1 FALL FERTILIZATION Heres Here's How V t j I INCREASES I J tEASES INCI YOUR PROFITS t I II o I I d 0 o. o 1 o a ar I r I SPRING r n FALL I lL fl 4 It works ALL WINTER LONG 1 It distributes your work IC load Nitrogen fertilizer ert lizer applied in the fall all G 6 It gives yO you MORE pasture In Fall fertilization transfers a vital farm arm opera oper oper- gets ets BILLIONS ILLION of soil oil bacteria on the lob iob job of early spring decaying organic residues during the fall winter win atlon to the non critical hardest after season after ter and early spring months Bacteria rot F Fall U fertilization n will give you MORE pas pasI pasture pas pas- season time and c In spring planting season labor abor equipment the are needed for other jobs jobs' pl plowed under under stalks stubble roots and crop ture tune in 10 early I spring In recent experiments fall faU fertilization has doubled and sometimes into I 1 residues converting them readily avail I able RIENTS for Of the spring crops Bacteria Bac naco tripled the production of pasture the following teria tents through the decay of organic residues spring Rapid spring growth of pasture po also add that vital constituent luent HUMUS to hay crops means Leans earlier grazing more ani animals animals' nals' nals a the soil When soil nitrogen is 1 in short supply per acre and more mOTe grazing days daya during the n 1 1 f I bacteria use all that is available and crops cops growing season This means MORE POUNDS POUNDS' suffer of beef or milk from every acre 2 It If enables you to use farm labor equipment more efficiently i- i irl rl M The shift in labor Jabor through fall all fertilization b permits a more efficient farming opera operation tion The most efficient use of oC costly farm arm labor and and 5 it pro prolongs I grow growing I ng season equipment eq ment is la essential fort MAXIMUM PRO PRO- I 7 It helps h e I II ps prevent compaction I FITS Top dressing with Nitrogen fertilizers of the soil in the FALL will PROLONG your grating u season When there is an ample supply of Fall fertilization avoids avoid compacted and nitrogen available throughout the root zone tOne rutted Gelds fields As most farmers know good rood hay pasture crops and sown fall aown small rains grains management practices dictate that soil IOU should 1 greatly inc increased eased fall faU growth This often not be tilled or driven over when wet Ample extends the grazing p season several weeks Extra time is available for fertilization in hi the tall laU and ADd weeks of fall CaU grazing will reduce the amount therefore a dry period can be selected for tor fall faU of 01 expensive feed reed and sup supplements you ou will win a application T This his results in much 1 less 1 have to bu buy THIS TUIS MEANS MEAN MORE PROFIT Urn of the soil On the other hand band with spring pring 1 1 fOn FOR yo YOU fertilization the soil oil is generally more moist I and compaction is often the result 3 It k assures ures fertilization U Un- Un r enough ell fertilizer ert erti i harvest more ore dollars dollar Insist on nitrogen J U Unfavorable weather in the spring prine may sold by reliable dealers and manufactured by Ul United ted States Ste Ste. mean not getting fertilizer er on the crops at ail all aU t t. t W Time me is critical in iQ the spring and often oCten by the tune time you can get onto the ground its it's time to e V I Q Nitrogen Fertilizers Fert t t I 8 r. r 40 11 t I e |