Show I Former Residents I Visit Home Town I Interested Interested visitors in Park City Friday were Mrs Ms Arthur Schol Scholar r rand and Mrs George LaFay both former former for- for mer residents of Park City who enjoyed meeting many friends and schoolmates they knew during their residence in Park City Mrs Irs LaFay was was' the former Ethel Blood daughter of or Mr and I Mrs Roswell Blood and remembers remembers bers she wa- wa was a Ii member m of the graduating class clasa of 1921 the last one to graduate from the old Lincoln LIncoln Lin LIn- coln coin School used before the new high school was built Mrs Scholer was Violet LaFay and made her home bOrne in Park City with Mr and Mrs George LaFay and Mr and Mrs Mm Harry Goodfellow Good- Good fellow I The ladles ladle spent an an interesting afternoon in the old home town f |