Show Thefts The a 8 i v very ry good good- good Teryl Veryl I important ant reason why you'll like a our i MADE HOME ICE CREAM CREAl I Better Detter than any other othe We feature in our Plan manufacture ture Not Quantity ASK FOR FOB tr Strawberry Vanilla Chocol oco q iv Pineapple Maple Nut Banana Nut POP JENKS JENKS' Confectionery S 'S NOT NOTICE T I IE C E j i I I TO PARK PARI PARICITY CITY RESIDENTS Until r further notice all sprinkling of lawns or other excessive use of Water Is Prohibited t Pi 4 I s Noti Notice c will be given giyen w when this i restriction restriction is removed Cd Hi Please co 11 fj j of Mr j i 1 MAYOR A RS R'S I TrvA I CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT t I A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING PRO PRO- POSING TO AMEND ARTICLE ARTI ARTI- CLE CW VII OF THE TUE CON CONSTITUTION TI lUTION OF OP THE TI-fE STATE OF Qi I UTAH BY DY ADDING A NEW SE SECTION TION NUMBERED SECTION SEC TION 24 GRANTING rEM TEM ARY E EMERGENCY PJ TOWERS ERS TO THE TilE LEGISLATURE LEGISLA LEGISLA- TUllE TURE IN THE TIlE EVE EVENT l OF WAR v A R 0 OR R It EMERGENCIES CAUSED BY flY WAR SUCH AS ENEMY IY NUCLEAR R ATOMIC OR SIMILAR r AT T TACKS t J r Be lie it resolved by the Legislature Legislature Legislature Legis Legis- lature of the State o of Utah two-thirds' two of all members el elect ele- elected ted t- t ed ed to each of the two houses s voting in za favor thereof Section 1 It is ia proposed to amend Article VII o of the Constitution Con Con- of the State of Utah by adding a n new w section thereto designated Section 24 to read Notwithstanding any general or 01 special ial provisions of ot the Con- Con lon t the e legislature in or order r to Insure continuity of state and local governmental operations In ill periods period of emergency ergen y result lag big from disasters caused by enemy attack shall have the power owes and the Immediate duty Uj 11 11 to provide for tor prompt and temporary succession to the powers power ant and duties of public offices of whatever nature and whether fiU filled d by election o or of ap ap 4 1 oln ent the tho th incumbents incumbent of ot which may become unavailable for currying carrying on cm the powers and tu t. t 2 I to adopt such other measures as may be necessary and proper for insuring the continuity of governmental operations ing mg but not limited to the financing tin fin thereof In the exercise of the powers hereby conferred the legislature shall Jn Izi all re conform to the requirements require c- c ments of this Constitution except except except ex ex- ex- ex to tn the extent that in the judgment of the Legislature soo soto so to o 40 would be impracticable Would of ot undue delay i Section Uon 2 2 The Secretary o or off State is ia directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors of ot th the th stats State State State-of of of Utah at the next Gener General l Election in the manner provided by law Section 3 This amendment shall shan take effect immediately on adoption a by bl the tho electors le t ra o of thi this State I 7 r. r F. F TORONTO Secretary of State of ot the State of Utah DO HEREBY CEll CEU- that the foregO foregoing is a full tull true and correct copy of ot the tho constitutional amendment proposed pro posed by the regular cession of ot the Thirty Third Legislature 1939 1959 as appease appears of in toy ray office ff lee IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hav hereunto set let my ray hand band and nd affixed the Great Seal of the State Stats of ot Utah at Salt Sail Lake city Wt day of ot August 1960 1 P. P TORONTO Secretary of ot State Stat SEAL j v v 1 ti VERAS VERA'S BEAUTY SHOP SHOP V t i 7 iV v Offers Special to School PERMANENTS i I J for Grade School Students up up-to up to 10 years yeas I Only 0 Haircuts l. l O CALL CAIL COALVILLE or t CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT A JOINT RES RESOLUTION LUTION PROPOSING PRO POSING TO AMEND ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTI ARTI- CLE XIII SECTION 2 OF 01 THE TIlE CONSTITUTION 0 OF OFT F T THE II H E ESTATE ESTATE STATE OF UTAH RELATING TO TANGIBLE PROPERTIES EX EXEMPT l FROM TAXATION Be De it Jt t resolved by the the the-legis Legis lature of the State of Utah two-thirds two of all members elected elected elected elect elect- ed to each of the two houses voting in favor thereof Section 1 It is proposed to amend Article XIII XUI Section 2 of the constitution of the State of Utah to read as follows All tangible property in the state not exempt under the laws of the United States the tate of Utah or under this constitution shall be bo taxed in proportion to its value to be ascertained as provided by law The rhe property of the state counties coun coun- ties tics cities towns school districts dis districts dis- dis municipal corporations and public libraries lots with the buildings thereon use used l exclusively exclusively ex ex- elusively for either reli religious ious worship or charitable purposes and places nE f burial Ll not liCk held or used for private or corporate rate benefit shall shaH be exempt from rom I tl taxation Water rights c canals canIs reservoirs power um plants transmission 1 n ni i as and flumes 0 owned ned r n by individuals or coy coy- orations for irrigating lands thin the state owned by byu uch h individuals or corporations or ort orthe t the jn individual members th t shall snail not be separately ta axi as as they shall be own an l luied used exclusively for such r- r poses Power plants we transmission lines Une and ether ther pro property erty used for gene generating ting delivering electrical pow a portion of which whiM I is use for furnishing power for tor pui puni w water ter for irrigation on lands lande in fn the Sta State of Utah ay be exempted from rom to th the extent that such pro is 18 used wed for fey such purposes eM exemptions shall ahal accrue t the benefit ne lt of the users of ot water t r so 50 t pumped under such rei re hi- hi tion a 04 the leg legislature rn nay 1 prescribe The taxes of ot the nd gent poor may bo ho remit or abate abated at auch such times Umee a in such manner as aa may be pro ted by law The legislature maY maj T vide for tor t the e exemption tm from Irom ut of el and personal property not to I exceed 2000 in value for Dr homes and homesteads and all household old furnishings furniture and equipment used exclusively by bythe the owner there thereof f at his Ms pla of abode in maint maintaining a h hope home me for himself and family Property not to exceed in lue owned by disabled pers persons ns who served 1 in m any warin war warin in the military service of the United States or 01 of ot the State of Utah and by the unmarried unman widows and minor orphans of such disabled persons persons' or of per persons sons who while servin frio the military service Ice of ot the United d States o or the State of Utah were killed in action or a result of such y be exempted as the leg legislature may provide The legislature ture tum shall shan provide by law for tor an annual tax sufficient clent with other sources of ot revenue to defray deray the est d ordinary ry expenses of th the State for tor each fiscal year For the tn purpose of paying the t t. t debt if it any there be the the- teis- teis lature shall provide for far Je levying ng a tax annually sufficient to pay the annual interest and to hay the principal of such debt Within within with With- in twenty years year from the final passage of ot the law creating the debt J. J Ji-f Ji Section 2 The secretary of state itte Ate is i. directed to submit t proposed amendment to th the tors tore of the State of Utah the e next general election in Sn ui It manner mannel provided by law Section 3 3 It If adopted ithe bythe ejectors of this stats his iIa amendment s shall 11 take el e the first filSt thy day of ot January 1 I 1 I. I LAMONT P. P TORO TORONTO 0 Secretary of State of the S StAte of Df Utah DO lIERE HEREIN X GlUt can that th tha- tha oln is a a. a full true and correct copy tf Qt th constitutional n m prom mOlt i posed nosed by the regular ot of the Tj Thirty Third Leg LesIs Legislate at iU t j 1959 as appears of Teco s In my ray office S 4 IN WITNESS I have hereunto et set my ha affixed th tM the Great 0 State Stat ot Utah a a Salt La Iak th this 1 d day y of August Augus LAMONT F. F TOnO U Secretary of at M f SI SEAL |