Show I II I I Rites Thursday I for Mrs Lewis KAMAS KAMAS- I j I Mrs Lillian Knight Lewi 4 1 I I II I died Monday evening at herI her I homo home after a long Illness i She was born 14 tr I In Count Count i a I daughter of Charles CharI Elsie Glenn Knight She was Vv-ns married to Cc George rge Wilson n L Lewis vt October 3 1945 In Salt Lake city They lived In Jn Kamas Karnas She vas vas vas' j active In the Ule Church of Jesus j Christ of L Latter day tt da Saints Sun Sunday day School Primary and Young Young Women's Mutual Improvement She Site was a Primary te teacher teach teach- cher ch- ch er In the Kamas Ward at nt I e time of tier Her death Mrs I Lewis Is survived by her husband and sons Raymond Leslie Kamas two brothers and four sisters sIders Mrs Vern Warburton ton Nevada Glen and Harvey Knight of Vernal Mrs Mildred I Maynard Murray Murry Mrs Johnson Lapoint County County County Coun Coun- ty Mrs Lillie Richards Rock RockSprings Springs Wyoming Funeral services were held heH Thursday a at 1 pm p.m. in the Kamas Ward chapel Burial was in the South Summit Summit Summit Sum Sum- mit Cemetery ry |