Show is uth a an al i t n h b gree S- S Miss MIM Ml R Ruth th t Lemon mOt daughter M r. r of ot Mr arid And Mrs Mt W. W H. H Lemon of Francis t received her misters Master degree de de- detree tree gree in at th the in Logan this summer Sh She has accepted a position atthe at athe th he the Hercule plant at Baccus where they y are Ate working on n the Ule third of t the MInutemAn mis- mis al 1 Ruth is a native of ot Francis rands a B gt graduate of ot South Summit High nigh and aM received ed her college degree at in less 1958 I She tn math th there ton on a fellowship fel- fel fellowship for two years I Her Iter sp special Interests are tennis skiing Aiding and all athletics and she sheb I is b sporting a new Bulck Dulcie |