Show New Flagpole Is Dedicated in City Park ParkA A highlight of the Summit Count County Fair was the dedication of f the flagpole erected by the Ladles Ladies Auxiliary to the and the Veterans of Foreign Wars i iThe post ost The flagpole has been a community community com corn project for the ladies ladles auxiliary and the VF V Post for the year 1 60 Combined efforts of ot the post and the toe auxiliary aw au in community service through enjoyable as associations associations as- as In promoting projects have made this flagpole possible during the first year of the re reorganization reorganization reorganization re- re organization of the Post and the first year of organization of the Ladles Ladies Auxiliary to the The The dedication services were vere re conducted by the Department Department Department Depart Depart- ment Chaplain Newell Knight of Salt Lake City He praised the Post ost and the Auxiliary for their efforts In erecting a a. flag flag- pole Old Glory may nay fly as a constant reminder of the many we enjoy living In a afree afree I free nation that our Veterans c co 1 all courageously defended and died for Other visitors participating In the program were Louis E. E Holley Col Raymond R It Brady William B B. Higbee Higbee- and Lon ton AUcock Allcock Allcock All All- I I cock of Salt Lake City The project has been directed di directed directed di- di by committee members Melvin Melvln Shaw Mrs Amy Shaw Mrs Valeen iValeen Shaw Commander Ray Ball BaU and President Mrs L v Black The Auxiliary and t the e Post ar anxious t to ieee pee ree this flagpole in our city park t being would like to extend an invitation to anyone having an o occasion caslon to use the flagpole 4 to do so jo |