Show 3 Marion Girls Primary Grads MARION MARION- Three girls Brenda Drenda Black Ellen Ellen Ellen El El- len Jensen and Marilyn Andrus were ere graduated from Primary in into into in- in nto n- n to the MIA at Marion Marlon Ward sacrament sacra sacrament sac sac- ra en meeting Aug 28 TIle The meeting was under the di direction direction II- II of Bishop Andrus Andras with Counselor Lyle Peterson conducting conduct- conduct Ing Larry Best and Connie Leavitt LeavItt Leav Leav- LeavItt Itt were the speakers Vocal numbers were presented by a a girls trio composed of Deane and Julie and Kathy Lynn Sorensen accompanied by Loralee Crittenden n. n i iThe The graduating girls sang The Seagull Song Invocation was by Paul Anderson and the benediction benediction benediction benedic benedic- tion by Leon Is |