Show Atkinson Reunion on Is Told in Verse FRANCIS FRANCIS- The descendants of Amos C C. and Linda V. V Atkinson held a family fam tam fly ily reunion Aug 28 at the homo hom of Fay Pay and Olive Mitchell in Francis I There are living 11 were present Lunch was served a program and visiting was enjoyed Mr and Mrs Jay Hot I traveled from tom Hayward Calif to attend She is Clive dive Atkinsons Atkinson's eldest daughter The following verses about the family members were written written written writ writ- r ten by Mrs Warren McNiel Linda V. V and Amos If you were I here today and saw sawall all these descendants deI descendants de de- de- de I I I Iwonder wonder what you'd cay ay I wonder if you'd know each face to call them all by name It really wouldn't be hard A lot of them the same Now Ill I'll attempt to call the roll The As will be bethe bethe bethe the starter Afton Alton Alfred AIfred Alice Allce Allen Allie Alma Anna L Lee e Arva and Aud rev rov in n that order nn I I The rIe Bs B's are Barbara Boyd Doyd Beckle Beckie Bobby Beverly Bradford Brett B Beverlee verlee Jo Blanche and Beth Brenda Betty Detty Brent Theres There's Clarence Connie Caryl iSu Su atilt and chu Chuck k and Ch Charlie rile are are in the the- Cs C's we present to you Theres There's two two Debra Debra Deb- Deb ra Kays David Dennis Doris Delona Dixie Dorothy Dan and Dora in this chorus The Ii's Es are Earl Earl Eva Elmer Elmer El- El El El- mer user and Edgar known as Ted Y F-A-Y Y F-A-Y-E F E and Fred Gary Oary Geraldine Joseph Ous Gus and Golan Oalan Hazel Harold Heber lieber Through The alphabet went salling sail sall- ing lug The It ls are Ivy Ida Jean Ivan wit with Jerry Jimmy two Jacks tS Janice Joe Julie Dawn and Jean Jimmy Jeffery James Jame Janie Jay Jarold on this team I Ks K's have Kathy Kenneth Keith Kelly elly Kim an and 1 Karle Kane Lynn Lucille Lu LU- cille Lloyd ud Le Lee Xee Anne AnneMarie Marie Lana and Larry Leonard Leonard Leonard Le Le- Le- Le onard Lee Ann Linda La LaVell Veil and the Lynn that Dora married M has Morris Mon Mike Merlyn May and Myrla Margaret Marianne Marianne Mari Marl anne Myra Melanie and Myrna Nina is the only N N. The O O's Os are Olive and Oris Phil Peggie Pattie Paul Pauline Paul Paul- lr e ine and nd Pam spoil spell out th the P F Zo for foJ us Rozella Rena R Ri Ray Ry y Ronnie Ro Mc Me and Ronnie 3 G. Randy M M. Randy W. W Ralph Russell Ruth Raymond B. B and Raymond C. C i 7 No Ne X Y Z Names Names' Two Sherries two Shirley two Susans Susan Sanda Sherman and Shirene Shawna Stanley Stanleyj ven Suzanne and Sherrel Dean Th The Ts Ta are Tra Tracey ey TonI Ted and Timothy Ray While Uncle I Vie Vic and Victor C are the only Vs V's today Wallace Warren Wan and Wade make one hundred and forty I think that you'll have lave t to agree I that's quite a ready ready miX |