Show Miss Joan Bagnell Is Selected Fair Queen Parade Winners Told Joan of ot b be i came the Ote he Summit County Fair FairQueen FairQueen ar arQueen Queen Thursday August 13 13 with S Siney Ann Smith as first attend Attendant and Z ora r as M second second sec sec- ond assistant JoanIs the daughter of at Mr tr and M Mrs Grant Bagnell of oI COat Coal yule he entered her sewing as 5 her talent z i 8 SYdn Sydney Sydny y twirled a baton to second second sec sec- ond pt place ce honors She 1 Is the daughter of o Mr and Mrs Weidon Wel- Wel Weldon Weldon don S Smith of Coalville Zora Page a daughter of Mr and Airs Mis 1 Leo Page of Francis as her talent The three won over a gro group p of 18 girls The Judges based their decision on personality swimsuit swim swimsuit suit and arid formal competition nn anI talent I The Summit Suri County Far ra r parade arade winners ore are grouped into divisions as follows I s Service ce and fraternal floats t j I first t. t t CO Second American Legion Auxiliary third I V v Religious organ organisation n floats Iv Coa Ward W second Henefer Hen Hen- I efer Ward Vard third and Upton tied I Business Busine floats floats- first Coalville Business float floal No 21 21 second I Young Ranch third Coalville business f float I N No 22 2 Miniature 1 iro floats ts first Stephen StephenI Bowen Bowen t second Kelly KeUy Maxwell I third Georgia Rees I Novelty fl ats first South Summit second second second sec sec- sec sec- ond cl Claude ude Rl third Ir Kamas Kamal i Town 1 Single Impersonator ator Red Riding Rid ing Hood Decora Decorated d bicycles les first Shanna Shan- Shan na nn KeY s second Wendy Rees flees third Shirley Orgill Sen Senior to l' l horseman Eugene Roath Senior horsewoman Elda Ball Ban Junior horsemen Lyle Steph stePhens Stephens stePh- stePh ens Elaine Blame Boyer and David Wilde Junior horsemen Sherry Moore 1 Lylette Willoughby and Margaret Margaret Mar Mar- Mari i garet Moore I IThe The fair boa board Id I'd expresses up ap- ap appreciation appreciation predation to all all' those who contributed contributed contributed con con- In any any anyway way to the tho success success suc sue cess of the parade The response was very gratifying gratIfying grat grat- t Hying and con contributed d to the theof success of this phase of ot the fair program |