Show k 1 ALLAN BATES BATESON BATESON ON MISSION I E. E Allan Attan Dates Bates son of Mr and Mrs Fay ay E Dates Bates has received a If call for the California mission field A Farewell Testimonial will be given In his honor Sunday Sept I 4 to be held In the Wanship Ward Chapel at pm p.m. Participating o on the program will be he Joyce Bated flate E E. E Pritchett Pritchett chett Annette Bates Dates Jay Rind Rind- Roy A. A the John Bates Dates family Bishop Donald Donald Don Don- ald aid Robertson Fay Bates Dates Keith Bates Dates Allan Is a graduate of or with the class of 1958 He We was prominent In school activities where he was drum major for forthe forthe forthe the high school band an All All' State tackle In football an and and on one of the best weight men In Utah He was was' given a football scholarship scholarship schol schol- attending Dixie Jr Colle College College Col Col- le lege e in St. St George Ke Ee was a In the church where he held the position position po po- of second councilor In th the I Sunday School superintendence AIl Allan an will leave for the Mission Home Monday Sept 12 and from there will go to California Sept 19 I |