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Show I OGOEN TO SEE I MANY PLANES Coast Air Man Declares This City Logical Place for Landing Fields Osdcn will attract aviators on crosscountry cross-country flights during th summer lo-day lo-day said Charks 8- Shlrlds, manager of the Rid Chaplin airline running no- tweon Los AnRclts and tho Ontalina inlands Shields Is In Ogden en route OSSt to purchase new plans f"r the Chaplin linos. OGDEN LOGICAL PIiAOl Ogdcn is the 1ok(c1 City for the transcontinental air mall service rout".1 Mr. Shields stated. In this remark he' stated that aviators employed by thai government in the present air mall work wore oppose,) to the OUt-Off b twecn Green Kivor and Salt 1-ako. "in leaving Green River the pilots leave all lines of communication," said I Mr. Shields. Fortunately they have, had practically no trouble thus far. but If ever an .ivlator were to fall In crossing that range of mountains it; would be days hefore he was found- "On the routing between Butte and j other cities to the south, Ogden should also be the logical center for the I H planes. TJnleM I miss my gUt transcontinental line between Nv. York City and San Francisco will be placed In operation during the early part of 1922. In California they h.i-oven h.i-oven started to talk of over-ocean J travel via the aeroplane. "If the transcontinental set-vice 11 ushered In during 1922 (he men in charge will, no doubt, select Ogden sj tho landing place between ''maha and San Francisco. The time is coming when the planes will make the Jour- 1 ney from coast to coast In two days. START m HOOl 8. "Commercial airplane work will be carried out more during the coming season than It has in the past in my opinion. Schools for students are be- 1 tng started on the coast in varloat parts of California and unless I miss my guess the game will be one of the 1 leading factors In the commercial world during the next three years. "The Lawsons are planning on start -Ing their ships west on trial trips dur-ing dur-ing the early part of the coming sea-son. sea-son. Travel for passengers, however. , will not start until 1122. If igdn j Is to be placed on either the mail rom or the p." "g"i i- u)i to the business men of the city to lend a hand with the men who are. planning these thing Aviation Is coming and coming fast and marvelous things can he expected during nt few years." gsHi no |