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Show I WASHINGTON NEWS IN BRIEF L . . 1 WASHINGTON. Feb. is Formal I complaint against Inderal Judge lan-,il- .., 'Im-aM'. fr h.x n nun m m-case m-case of an Ottawa. Ill- bunk clerk: charged with embezzlement. Is maue ID u letter "nf t.. tin- department or justice today by Senator Dial. I 'emu crat South Carolina. IMI I , n -il i IM OUNG WASHINGTON. Feb. IT. lrope0h-i mom charges brought ,,K iin: l-Vderal Judge lndls by Reprret-niatlve Wei-ty Wei-ty Democrat, Ohio will ooneldereO Tuesday by the houac ludlclarj com-mUtee. com-mUtee. Chainnn Volatead announced todav 1I added ih.n llepreeentatl Weltv and such other witnesses m im might see fit to call would he heard. STTE RATI-; l't) KJtb. WASHINGTON. Feb. IN ''ill to, repeal intcrstati- cammOrce commie- Hion powera to deal with state railroad rail-road rates wax Introduced today by Senator KenyOD. Republican. lovva.j and referred to the Interstate commerce com-merce commission. v R I M R WASHINGTON. Keb. 18 RelUSal. of the Dnlted Stat.-s to make ai.x moVo toward disarmament until she ! completed- her batUeahlp ..nd CrulaeT i.rogram ' 1 "' K"'" ' !M'"ta " tlvae Miller. Republican, Washington, to nCan -preparation bv Japan for war. unless eoolrheaded stat-smen and dip-' lomals of Japan, purge the demagogue; Jingo and junkeH that now appear t" hive the public eye and edi i.n w von II1NKS1 WASHINGTON, Peb. IK An ap-, proprlatlon of $500,000 to cover the) expenses of earning 10 China grain; Kiven bv American farmet - for the relief re-lief of famine sufferers In that country coun-try Is proposed In a resolution Intro diiced by Senator K'-ny..n. Republican,' ,owa . , J It is the pla to u.i shipping board vessels manned ' naval reaerve vol-; unteern whose expenseB would be paid1 out of the appropriation. Railway employes have agreed tw carry the gTaln to the Pacific free of cost and elevator Interegti gleo have often. I to assist in the movement without coeti S'nutor Kenyon said. I n;sq DEFR UBNM N BILL 1 WASHINGTON. Feb. 18- The first i deficiency bill for this fiscal year as reported Thursday by the senate appropriations ap-propriations committee, carries a to-t to-t 1 1 of $27r.'J18,000. an Increase of 174,814,000 over the total proposed by the house. Senate committee amendments in-i in-i luded $ia..'i7."i.000 for payment to the railway administration of mall transportation trans-portation accounts, $4b0.OU0 additional for nforclng prohibition, making the lotal for tin. purpose $1,460,000 and 11,(00.000 for deficiencies this year In railroad mall pay. Mi IM. C LIQ1 OR-- WASHINGTON, l'eb. 17. Regulations Regula-tions were Issued by the Internal revenue reve-nue bureau Kovernlng the transportation transporta-tion of liquor for In er.-ige pnrrioses in accordance with the di.-ision of the supreme court on intoxicants acquired acquir-ed before the edvenj Of permanent prohibition, January 17. 1940. Such liquors, the regulations prove!-, iiimy bi moved by their ow ner from a place of storage to his private dwelling for the use of himself and family or guests Permits for the transportation ,, lnwfnllv acciuireel liquor. liq-uor. hov..i must be obtained from federal prohibit Ion director. Liquor held in bond, howevc;-. may not he withdrawn for beverage purposes. Liquor lawfully attained before national na-tional prohibition, the regulations provide, pro-vide, m. i i.e received by the heirs of the deceased owner, who would have die sanx i i;ilit- ol pi ssesslon and transportation as im- original owner I Rl it. II l ( ills IDJJB, WASHINGTON. Keb. Is A freight car Mirplus Is piling up at the rate of jr., 000 a week, the American Railway association Raid here. Already 358,-ok.'i 358,-ok.'i i-.ir.s are reported Idle as against a horiage of 1..0.000 freight cars N'u-vember N'u-vember l. ihe announcement said in DR UN'S I 111 s: ri WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. Ordinarv lendltUres ot Ihe Kovernment dur- ihk January decreased by more than i I 6 ,00 0,0 Q0 as compared with December, Decem-ber, while public debt paj'tnents feH off i more than 11,000,000,000, a cording to the treasury's monthly statement Ordinarv expenditures amounted to $3Su.l7K,272 as against $404,575,091 In December. Payments on the pub- jed with $1, 600.418,555, the previous month A tol .1 Of H, 081 ,570 charged to thej war department was the largest ordl-j nuj- e.iendituro for Junuary, while $646,819,500 spent in the redemption! of treasury certificates of Indebtedness Indebted-ness was the largest Rem of public debt payments. DOR Ml IRKS B RIUG. WASHINGTON. Feb. is Notice was given In the senate Thursday by Senator Borah, Republican. Idaho.! that !n would not ''abdicate" his Judgment Judg-ment to that of President Harding during dur-ing the next four years. Senator Borah's declaration came In a clash with Senator McCormlck, Rc-publlCan, Rc-publlCan, Illinois, over disarmament.1 The lattt r had charged that the naval. diKi ruiament proposals of Senator Bor-uh Bor-uh would ''disarm" Mr rlardlng In, arranxlog for a general disarmament con ncJI. Disclaiming any desire to embarrass Mr. Harding, Senator Borah said: "We have heard much criticism of1 waltim? for a nod from the White! j House- Congress has been accused of : abdicating not onl Its judgment, but J i' functions. Let me say. without disrespect dis-respect to the president-elect, that l ishull not abdicate my Judgment any j more during the next four years than I have during the past eight." i no |