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Show TRUTH IN FABRICS BILL THREATENED ! SALT LAKE, Feb. lg.--L'nlvs.s similar sim-ilar legislation Is enai ted by mosi n tho states of the west, thv truth In fabrics bill, framed lor the iurioo of protecting purchasers', as' well us i..f protection of the wool growers, will be withdrawn from the Utah leg-lSlUturc, leg-lSlUturc, aecurdlng to Ui pres- illative Itralay, Mr. Ira thy said that the bill (bad been entered as house bill 161., having been held up so that compari-'son compari-'son of similar measures in other est-'ern est-'ern states could be made. So far. Ilt-"il" Ilt-"il" action has been taken, he claims, and as the passing of the bill In I tah alone would band leap woolgVowars and merchants of the state. It Is likclv thftt tho measure will be withdrawn, unless similar bills nunc before other legislatures of western states Immediately. Immedi-ately. I nn , |