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Show I FARMERS H! USE SESSIONS TODAY Marketing and Wage Problems I Aired By Several Speakers H Samuel A-iun-. of flic A'hw- H WKi- was H Snyentlon ol sgas'ciiUuraffstVaiul live W"'k nv-n " H wi federal buibiiac Mils morning H ! Mr. . .!. nn the subject H 2 hal ih ymeru m Rureau As- H Xclatton Doing" -fie tttTk was Sercd on what th I'm in bureau organ-H organ-H uliitton h;ti done t help ln- H Jhistry and other indu-Urlex based upon H Kricultiin I I tt.MSJi i vi H I Tn addition la the finding of, mar-. H for f"iii mi various Hindu, the LsBBBBBBS ff,m burrail orKanizalioii In N to sopplj growers with Ihvalu- 1 4'lr dat:i liRaiillnv lllll'l'm N "fruits. ha ih' in on H Oils of handling fruit, and has H o-opcratlon between grown - which H Mis had a remarkable effect In itab- H jjizlnp fruit H Mr Adams devoted ol hut H Cilk to the i hi f- H fruitgrower, which u held in H Chicago, staitmg Apiil Al tin H Ssslon, ho reported, plans will be tak- H tjfp up for simplifying and improving H methods of marketing fruit. H d J i: White, or Paradise, chalrmagvj H the Utah Stale bureau wujr H Mwnunlttec. and J- W. Hooper, prcsl- H flrnt of t lvo Utah Wool Growers' ae-l H Bciation, also delivered addresses rol! m "ve to co-opcratn i marketing of 1 Co-operative marketing. It was l:itm'ti, has beeii proved to hi the npsn successful method ( marketing H St far as small w outgrow ers arc con- wrned. Tooling ol the wool hoi been H Vied with good results. SjThc discussion of .Mr. White and, sage scales for herders, shea re re, ami Wher men employed. In the handling gf the wo(1 cropi CI Following ihe speeches of the three b-n, iIIscusmods were taken up hy the ffftv representatives of various agricultural agri-cultural Interests who were present. IQRKH M II MKM N Zt James M. Kirkhaiil. secretary of the Viali State Kami bureau. acted as islnnap at the sessions. Tin- principal topic at vestcrdax at-ly' at-ly' noon session was the standardise-Ron standardise-Ron or farm labor wages within the 'angc of economic operation the pa?s-fhg pa?s-fhg of a resolution favoring restrlc-lun restrlc-lun of immigration to such individual' individ-ual' a- can he depended upon lo be-f-onio American citizens und home builder.. Tills action was taken In fapttnse to request from the Nation i 3 Farm bureau headquarters at Chl-cstgo. Chl-cstgo. I B The convention started its final ses-' yon'at 1: "' this afternoon |