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Show M'KAY PREPARED TO MEET BALE! Wasatch Club Bout Tonight Attracts Attention in Other Cities .nrd-ii McKay, wltldlcwdght, who win meet I'lidu- Dnlci In a re mm -t-roaml match In the headline event of ih- Wasatch Uhletlc club cafd to-nlght: to-nlght: if the prediction of two boxers who are to meel each other prove true, there will lia- U) be two winners of ih- Hddir I i.ilev-.;or.ion M. Kiv bat tie in the WasaTcn olub tonlgh, Bach boxer savs h- is confident of winning both hs dechn sd they are in tin- nink of condition and will have no excuses to ofri In the event tin y are forced to take Uv losing end. BO! II FIGHTERS BJ 1D1 Ddley eased off In his strsauous training late cstenlay afternoon nnl declared he was out to win as soon as the trick could be accomplished He assorted, he was in us good or better shape Chan any tini- during his career and is depending upon his in.i right-hand smash to put McKaj away. Re claims that If hs Is fortunate fortun-ate enough to land his right, the battle bat-tle wili be won. McKay, while giving due credit to Haley's ability to box cl-verlyind hit "hud. is also confident of vioCorj and believes he tan butbox the QhlcsigO lad and i i in enough stiff punches to finish the baule in his favor. TICKETS .(il(. I AST. Advance tttl;ct sales for tonight ? card have smashed previous records and reservations huve been made by ring followers from Salt Lake, Iting-ham, Iting-ham, Logan and Pocsttbllo. uh Red Efogan and 1 1 t . Sneddon n-ad fr t!:- .m::. I 'roruotir Downing Down-ing sbyi the s m4-wlndup affair shouin prove Intensely lnter-stlng. Frunkle olmktead f Denver will mix with Dick De Sayo of Silt 1-ake, Frank!.- White will lake on Bobble Gordon. Tlmmb Laton and Johnnie Chip will furnish a four-round tuttlo. Bddle Wilson Snd Mik.- Sehttck win open the card. . v In addition to the Special headline affair, Promoter Downing Is offering five fast battles and music by Olle Reeve's orchestra. |