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Show CARUSO LOSES FIFTY POUNDS BUT S BETTER High Hopes Held By Physicians But There is Still Much Danger XEW Vni.a, r h. I. Rnrleo Caruso Ca-ruso pad a good nigrbt and his condition con-dition is fl'sl rovod today. ud 'in oft.":.,! Inill-lio i.-wuod from i.i." : '''ia a'dM I The bullei iii. fci ' ii ' " nhy-sletans nhy-sletans who have i.1' a' t-i,..i- s-ini-i- he v;i-- s. ' heart attack, following pleur'. mj tlnued : "Kumors of operations done or to be done arc based on false information." informa-tion." 9TIUL DANGEROUS. Despite reports that seemed to por-t. por-t. ml thf sincer's rerovory'. It was admitted ad-mitted that he hi 11 1 was gravely HI .iml not yet out of the crisis. He Is I favored, physicians said, by his in-I in-I domitnhle spirit. Pr. Francis J Murray, who had bl n at Caruso's bedside slnc bust midnight, told newspapermen this morning that the Finder was "holding "hold-ing the Improvement" he made yesterday. yes-terday. LOSES FIFTY POUNDS. Inquirers were told Caruso was much stronger than at any time since his relapse Tuesday night. The physicians phy-sicians said, however, he had lost forty or fifty pounds in wclcht. In a lengthy chat with Mrs. Caruso the tenor asked her to relate clrcum-I clrcum-I stances of the last two days on which ' his memory appeared hazv. He smiled smil-ed when she assured him his physicians physi-cians were no lontrer alarmed. Itomeyln Benjamin. Mrs. Caruso's brother, said "Mr. Caruso is wonderfully wonder-fully Improved." and denied that a throat specialist had been summoned, saying 'there Is nothing wrong with his throat." Mis FIRST sll VVE. Caruso had his first shave today since his relapse. Vito Caronna, the ii.aii v.r.i-v.nt- nrti.rwnril said Caruso I wanted to talk, but that he and Mrs ;i'iriiso told the patient It was best for i iilin to remain quiet. "I told him," KJiid Caronna. "that all Italy and all Italians In this country were praying for him and tears came I a little Into his eyes " Incidentally Caronna derlared gross exaggeration stories that Caruso pays 510 for a shave. He said the tenor I pays him J5 |