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Show JUNIOR FROM AT A. C. ON MARCH 7 Logan, Fob. is The junior blaae I of the Utah Agricultural college an-I an-I nOUnCSB tho dale for the annual I Jpnlor I'rom .via'roh 7 Tins will un- dvubtedly be the most succ .-sjlul j clal eVeht of the year. I'nder the supervision of Chairman Allan- Can-: Can-: non. tly? plans are progressing rapidly rapid-ly for the fourteen in annual event. The committees in charge Include: Wallace Parkinson, imitations. Programs Pro-grams and Music; lteva Lewis, Decorations; Dec-orations; Florence Walker, Refreshments; Refresh-ments; and Jessie K. Wheeler Publicity Pub-licity and Tickets. Elaborate decorations ar belni planned, which promises to the hit of the season. Bach class and the factulty will be represented b( an original booth. Special music will be obtained for the occasion. Tho patrons and patronesses are: President and Mrs. K i Person, i It. and Mrs. George R- Hill. Ir and Mrs. Fred I'.. Parkinson. Mayor and .Mrs. Win. Howell, I'rof and Mrs. -V A. ."ederson. and I'rof. Frank R. Arnold. |