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Show SENTRYDEFENSE AROUSES JAPAN Killing of Langdon Justified. Resolution Introduced in Diet Asserts TOKIO. Feh. 1C (By The Associated Associa-ted , Press.) Punishment of Toshi-gorp Toshi-gorp Ogaaawara, (he Japanese sentry who .vhot and killed Naval Lieutenant I-angdon of the United States cruiser Albany at Vladivostok late In De-ocmber, De-ocmber, was opposed in a resolution introduced In the Japanese diet today to-day by Representative Zcnryu Tana-ku. Tana-ku. a member of the Kensil-lai, or I position parly. The resolution declared de-clared that' the action f the sentry was Justifiable and that any punishment punish-ment visited upon hint would militate against discipline In the Japanese army- As a sentry on duty In such a place Vladivostok and undir puclt Cir-enmstunces Cir-enmstunces to give rise to the LatiK-don LatiK-don affair," the resolution derhiriiJ, the conduct of the Japanese private Vfas entirely Justifiable ;is h- at ted in Self-defense. From the standpoint of military discipline, as well as that of morality, punishment of tho sentry would be a serious travesty on Justice' Jus-tice' A regiment of former soldiers In the. city of .Shizuuka. near Yokohama. has adopted resolutions opposing the punishment of I gasawara. officers, especially those in Junior grades, are going to Manchuria to plan the inauguration in-auguration of a movement to urouse public opinion. It is said. Dispatches from Vladivostok to the Yome I'rl Shimbun of this city, staling stal-ing Ogasawarft bad been found guilty Of n broach "f dlSCIPllpe, ha. not been confirmed. |