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Show ffi&ref Talks I THE SOFT ANSWER Bn.iPiV.UY v'-"'':r. ,!,-':" v: Wid 7'nnnn Write' ! Jl "" K .r.tjrjnt I 11 ' WtZSentr chn-kf M. r . . R t JwhM r"-" ' l PI mi ntv food : '' K . BittVr j I, ... Br,:,, wltma 1 - - ' 1 ; . ; . . 1 SOAR j 'al"B , . .. , :,,? tSSJ ' " :k gJ . t m ' . . . nfclg A .' utatl 1 iwk6 If ' I 1 Piat 1 ; try. rl( . 1 ' I Siw!riiti.-.i !ceeh of a lady. j F 'QHha i I ' '. I iUh li ii'.-' I but oi' reait f U d !f :;i ' Pta irt' t ! ' -El Wit M r n Fu I tstl : ft : ti ' " w tl' If ' '! i it t 'i 'i . 1! ak rj . ' She' gel W ol cjerK who in.. t.h i a-..i- i, h. .., -- i1 her lba? ahe L wMehe? wht nuya one thing and wanta t.. I 1 inu H ';' " , w nango It for a. migilnv etoe. and that shq Is a liar, and u tl? ad. ...... ih, st,.!-.. o.-en t wani - k , .v'v, ! ? ' '"r'u linr' ln, goei avNuv, ii.-.-ritr than ever, an.l ft gtor. .nak an enem: and loies u ..anon Ortlw furious woman Ic :,.k,n in band i'.. .1 i.-ru 'Ainj r. turns n scfi .un" fr am, I aaaurea ber that if any mistake irai 1 '''i v ,"r' lM mr,r'' "'un W fern- T ni ""I1 1 !l "Kr'"- ' Inconvenience Incon-venience si.r i.ns iten put to, and ae-Blrefl ae-Blrefl above CVf'thl0 to k..o. h.-r Ira.if and rbe woman a ivratb shcile out iik a .spent Rkyrocket. and rrmalKs to fiuv jind is forever afterwards the ston irat a'lvectlsement ..r tup siiop. a.s a llacc where they always, .treat you fain And do you not ad all n.-lKhhor k. whom you w. -i: to .p.-irrM about tluir chickena getting Into jur Knr.tt-n. and enocd up by helplns to .u, a fc-n o an.l, win. whom ou were like broihera and slaters ever after b-cai.se they said OU Were rigii. and ii was pr-fefr-tP outrageous for people 10 keen chl. kens in 5 suburb, but ti.cir llttb- Dolly was f . fond f lu-r her.H" And what bualne mun has not rm-whom rm-whom he ha been on thi point firing Cor u gaawa lui never doea l -' they always receive his wran. v.itii meek apoi'jfry for tbc'r M.ort.v.m-... M.ort.v.m-... Instead of t.-dlajr him that tl ' . as K"Oil work ax thej are paid for' 1 iv 1 n t an family spat riu t 1 1 angled at birth with .1 iw K, Mir " 10 tpd there x no' arriitni n 1 (hat t b- stopped ;.t Its erv beginning with the simp!,. PtrhApN ..u are rleht. Which .omniit. you to 111 agreement, but haves you perfectly iieuiraT 011 the sub-ject. sub-ject. There is no i-ii'lclsm t'tat wi!! not 1 000111. a boomerang thai tufns ..nji vluys Hie one who hurled it. If h is j,,, i by th.- gentle admission Hint' ofte Is not perfect, and will ir- to ImprovgJ The soft answer i- not onlv the wav to peace :.r.d proaperlti It's the moat Kcathlns repartee, the bitterest ai'ralftn-l ment that human lips cat. utter, and. the most unanswerable argument Try it. ', |