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Show I BOX ELDER TO HAVE , NEW HIGH SCHOOL BRIG HAM CITY. Fch. 18 Con- , tract for the eonstruotlon of a ncv. hlfrh school to b erected In the Bea. by the hoard of education at a meet-lns meet-lns The school win bc located midway mid-way between the towns of Tremon-ton Tremon-ton and Garland. Cmon The contract to Tcct the bulldlds waa ..warded to William G. Reed or Salt Lake for $81,-J62. Tho plan call rVMtWhSt07 struct"re ot ten rooms S . Te '1,,mr,l"K Wd went to the Nuttall-AUen company of sit Lake for $5648 and the heating: and v-n-tllatlns "Mr;,-t wa awarded to T V 1 " "f Htden for $1776 rhe specification call for bomple-tion bomple-tion of the entire job by Soplemhr. and in the event that n.o building la not ready to be delivered to the board of education on that dale ih. contractors forfel $10 for each d i over that nnii rer,uired to i-oniple,,. the structure. For every day under the specified time the contractors are to receive a bonus of $lo per day Work on the new high school will begin be-gin immediately. |