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Show WORKMEN REFUSE TO MAKE WAR MATERIAL TfRTN. Italy, Feb. IS. The BltuaJ ! Hon at the Flat plant is becoming more IseriOUS dally owinp to the refusal of I workmen to manufacture war muter- lal oven for foreign countries. An or-I iIt for lorries, which in thi- cane of war could be transformed Into urmoi ed cars, was . cepted recently from one of llli new scale.- of central KuT-ope, KuT-ope, but has joeoh suspended because the men refused to work when thev realized ihe possible use to which the lorries might be put- oo Tin australiaii sheep dogs are ihe 'smallest In the world, but are quick land Ihelv One dog can do the work jof half a dozen umn. |