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Show NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice Is hereby given that Ogdon Cltv . proposes to make the following public improvement, to-wlt: Construct pavoment Jn Paving District No. 132. together with work Incidental thcroto, according to I plans, specifications and profiles on file in th.- offlco of tho Clt Engineer. And scaled bids are invited for said work and will bo received at tho offlco of the Cltv Recorder Re-corder In tho City Hal) at Ogden, "Utah, until 10 o'clock a. m. on tho 10th dav of June. 1920. Instructions to bidders, p'lans and specifications for wild Improvement can bo seen and examined at the offlco of the City Engineer In tho City hall of I said cty. The right Is reserved to reject any and 1 nil bids and to waive any defects. By order of Ihc Board of Commlsslon-! Commlsslon-! nrs of Ogdon City. Utah. this, the 20th 1 day of May, 1920. I C. T. MOYES, City Recorder, I First publication May 21. 1920. I Last publication June 0. 1020. 'Published In tho Ogden Stan-iard-Exam-1 Incr. j Paving district No. 132. 1 |