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Show uu Have you heard it? Utah! Hot Springs. Don't miss it. 'Come out tonight. I The Guaranteed Hair and Scalp Remedy j I "1UARANTEED to gel rid of dandruff ani the cauic of dandruff' jj.Ap Guaranteed to feet rid of itchy scalp and stop falling, hair. L Gucrcnteedto produce a beautiful, luxuriant ferewth and a felos- I J siness so much admired. H j I Ycur nnney ruck if you do nr t sec the results for yourself, i j Contains no alcohol cr chemicals to turn the hair &ray I Trial size 35c. Lnrfeo $1 bottles guaranteed, At all toilet .J--J I fcoods dealers. m M$ . FAMO is the discovery cf one of the old Pharmaceutical U ?JH LJL Houses of America. If your dealer cannct supply you send 10c jL Zm fiF fcr sample lottle and free folder to F. A. Thorapsor & Co., 13 SjiBT Ug Detroit, Michigan, Dept. 27. vt if! yj; A.- R. McINTYRE DRUG CO. gj ; afll hfl :0B : f I WkehaWqmab is Rervous Worried i .The lives of most women are j full of worry:- Men's troubles are bud enough, but women's arc I worse. Worry makes women sick. It pulls them down, and in their weakened condition thcyaro subject sub-ject to pains, aches, weakness, backaches, back-aches, headaches and dizzy spells. Most women neglect their health, and for this they pay tho penalty. Any woman will hnd that neglect does not pay.. A little more attention atten-tion to- health, would brighten up her life. If sho asks her neighbors she finds that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription benofits a woman's whole system. , It not only acts I upon the troubles and weaknesses j peculiar to women, but is an all-i all-i round tonic that braces the entire I body, overcom'ng nervousness, I sleeplessness, headaches, dizziness and a run-down condition. I Lests, Oregon 1 'la my younger days I v?j3 greatly distressed. I bo.tn uring Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription and received such relief that I can recommend it to others. I have raised a largo family aud am a gTeat-grand-i mother and have always insisted on I my daughters-in-lcw using Dr,Pierce'a Favorite Prescription during expectant poriode." 31ns. B. F. Seely, 6411-&4th 6411-&4th Street. ':vXh against automobiles because I 4'- 'dL theij frightened the horses I j ;'k..fev; -v., . ' 2 '. TyT cars are every- first in figuring their motor- II j Vv.'.--;3f'- i- 1 where. The horses ing expenditures.. "' j I : '" have 'gotten used to them m I , 4.' ' and so has everybody else. 1 1 Think of it! This year . the Just because a man has aV I H American people will spend moderate - price car is no H . nearly a billion dollars on reason why he should get any H ; tires alone. ess service out of his tires. H j';K We believe that the man I jH J-r '? ' Tires are onc of the b,'- with the small car is entitled gesrireson the car owner's tojUaf as ood tire service H . 5 Soloctyour fires ac- bills. , i 11 , cordinn to tho roads as the man with the big car f they havo to travel: ? .1 H In sandy or hilly coun- and both are entitled to the 111 try, wherever the going I j IH ' "j?theavy Thc tt it Of j best tire service they canget. u. s. Nobby. Hardly a Saturday when S i . rodY-Thc s!cSS you m6torists drop in to That's why we represent i rForCfrontwheci-The "tune up" for a Sunday trip, U. S. Tires in this commu-v I U.S. Plain. ' I IH J For best results that one or more of you nity. j . everywhere U. S. j Royai cords. doesn'ttell us 'something of And why more car owners ! vauc our business. Sooner large and small are com- or later it comes back to you ing to us every day for JJ. S. ! KK&cQRD'Hy&w Service is what the car IV owners of this community . ' , ... , :.s Come in and talk to us l00kfog for rfowadays. a5out tires. We're here to V -And especially thc small help you get the kind of tires j j car owners, who put service you want, j BURROWS AUTO COMPANY H CHEESMAN AUTO COMPANY , - BINFORD KIMBALL MOTOR COMPANY INTERMOUNTAIN VULCANIZING SHOP ! Sure Relief li-ft-it water CIji0l Sure Relief BELL-ANSI FOR INDIGESTION I ForInfant8,InvalidsnndGrowiDjChildrn Rich tnlllc. malted grain extract In Powder ' I Tho Original Food-Drink for All AgoaNo Cooking Nourishing Digottiblo -I |