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Show I IE ATHLETES STMT OH WORK Summer Practice Being Held Under Direction of Tad Jones; Prospects Good With the football season still many weeks In the future, Tad Jones, Yale coach, Is not overlooking any opportunities opportu-nities to prepare the grid squad at NewiHaven.for his- coining next Sep-i Sep-i tember, when he will warm up to the j I , task of giving the Sons of Eli another J'' winning football combination. At present, Jones Is out In Seattle where he holds a place with a ship building concern, but through the medium me-dium of Uncle Sam's postoffice department depart-ment he Is sending dopelo New Haven, Hav-en, sort of preparing to arouse the Yale spirit which has been conspicuous conspicu-ous by its absence during the past few B "You can't do anything In football R or anything else without some spirit," n Jones said recently, "and before we ; really get started on football plans I h want to have the proper spirit start-j ed." Jones has several able lieutenants lieuten-ants on the job at Yale, and his In-1 - structio'ns are being carried out to the E "Beat Harvard and Princeton." Is H K' .Jones' battle cry this year, and In or-J I R der.to be fitted to do this, the Elis I W&- v are Bolng to go through one of the J Br' 7- most strenuous campaigns they have I w I " ever known. For the past two weeks I W i prospective gridders have been taking! j V, some special outdoor "work suggested j 'LJfc'Xa- by Jones, and during the summer f . those of them who usually Idle the I Hi Jj warm months away will have set tasks fj deBlgned by Jones 'via the suggestion IB thj route, to keep their muscular systems; II nn( wnd n PrPer shape to yield to A tas Several of the prospective Yale m Pva stars are going in for rough work this K eVJj summer. They are the kind Inclined to Iff at j stoutnesB and they have been obliged H mi? to do manual labor to retain their i EE bio symmetry and keep the muscles In B. " u good condition. Jones does not care ! K- atc particularly for a beefy team, Ills raa- B 'J".y chines in tho past having always won ' H S8j. and been entitled to special mention H fy j because of their speed. H labj Dr. A. Sharpe, although not in any B st'&t way connected with the football situa- H Uffxij tion at Yale since Jones was em- B, n,J ployed, has volunteered to assist in K moil getting the candidates ready this BfiilVm spring, and ho has givon them a num-j Hfde'j3d ber of valuable pointers, all of which Bionl were In strict accord with Jone6' sug-K.to sug-K.to c'UuJ gestlons. Jones says Yale will make B iaw.jj a comeback next fall. K trial 1 . |