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Show ! LITTLE. BENNY'S HoteMook By LEE PAPE Me and pop and ma was in the setting set-ting room and I started to look for my cap to go out, thinking, Gosh, waro the heck is it, its In heer sumwares. And I looked on top of everything and underneeth everything, Incloodlng some places twice, finding a sent under un-der the sofer and a big rubber band under the book caso, but not my cap, and I scd, Say, pop, did you see my cap eny wares did you see my cap, ma? No day Is compleet if that boy dont lose his cap, aed ma. Meening me, and I sed, I dident lose it, ma, its in heer sumwares because I romember I brawt it in with me, so it cant he losL It must be a releef to know its not lost like tho art of conversation or the science of pottery, sod pop. Sir? I sod, and pop sed, Wy dont you have one doflnite plnco to pat your cap, and then you would avoid all this mix up. I have, pop. ony I nllways forget lo put it there, I sed. I lose, scd pop. 'And I kepp on looking look-ing without finding the cap or euything elts. and I sed G, ma, you must be setting on it. No Im not, either, sed ma, and I sed, Well will you got up and see, and she sed, 0, youre more trubble than youre worth. And she got up and she waccnt setting on it. and I sod. Do you feel onythlng funny under vou, pop? I do not, scd pop. and I sed, Well would you mind please getting up to soo, pleanc, pop, please? How could I resist sutch politeness? sed pop. And ho got up and Ihe cap wasent on his chitir, and I sed, Well Its heer sumwares, all rite, III bet eny-body. eny-body. Wats that bump inside your blouse? sed ma. Wich It was my cap, and I put It on find WOnt nil Prnvln T urn o U n 1 1 the time about it being In there sum. wares. oo |