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Show 00 1 Have you heard it? Utah! Hot Springs. Don't miss it. j Come out tonight. I A Broader Service "1 j j J ' for Investors j H rTnHE conservative and constructive serv- P . i dj JL ice which the firm of Ed. D. Smith &. M - Sons has,through its Real Estate,Mortgage j e B and Insurance Departments, rendered a e E large number of clients not only in Salt I p Lake City, but throughout Utah, Idaho, j Wyoming and Nevada, has been reward- jj g ed with, marked and appreciated growth. EE 3j As a result of requests for a broader in- ! vestment service from clients of various t I departments whose interests we have P i served and safeguarded for years the ' facilities of the Mortgage Loan Depart- S k j ment has, for some time, been expanded b f ! I into the broader service of a general in- P! I ' j vestment business. S . J This Investment Department is com- p J pletely equipped to serve investors, what- fill M 1 ever their interests and activities. Our ' " J investment statistical department is most j f Vfl complete ur connections countrywide. p I J We invite customers, old and new, to pj j share to the fullest extent in this helpful, j 'fe 1 3 conservative service and counsel. 83 C-. 1 If I Ed-D-Smitlifi?SaQs I t P 38 West Second South Street Wasatch 455 J M ' i II SALT LAKE Cm J 1 1 f ' - t rirrMTTTTMrw im mm n,. F&fi SALE Modern bungalow, flvs rooms, hardwood flooro, built-in sideboard, hot mW water heat, laundry room with tubs, fruit and storauc room, vegetable' hH room, gas, garago, etc. Apply 2345 Monrce avenue or 702 Eccles building. 1 . i SSr I , LITTLE THEATRE j - S I Thursday and Friday, June 3 and 4 i I I at the Rex, on Twenty-fifth Street, 8:30 p. m. 3 1 1 Colored Ladies' Auxiliary, I. B. P. 0. E W I J MUSICAL COMEDY I ; I A. pretty little comedy to be given by talented colored people U hH of the city, featuring the Player Piano accompaniment I J 1 mmcnizniB i i i mnflGmzj3mkmai0 9 |