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Show ' oo CAUCUS OF 26 i WOMEN TO DRAFT ! PLATFORM PLANKS ClilCVC.O. June 1. Miss Marj C.ar-I C.ar-I rctt Hay, who lias aliei Tor a caucus ! of the t!U women Republican (u.c.:tl.s and apiro.vlniately 15 allc-uaics ror Sunday, today conferred with Captain Victor lleiniz, who has been appointed by Chairman Hays In nsylsu the women wom-en in drnftln the plant which thev will present to the Republican convention conven-tion for participation of the suffragists; in loutrol of the party. Captain Hflutz, central regional dh-eeior or Ihe national committee, will attend .Sunday's caucus and endeavor to oh-' lain a compromise Ixrlween the con-.ci con-.ci alive and more raillejil ronps jr women. j l ""lui-ii ienuer ner' are iiisoiisslng , two planks they ho;e to se ineorpor-: ineorpor-: a led in tlie plaiforni. One relates to suffrage and ihe other lo prohibition. I fcfcveral naliynal coniinlllccmen are oppocfl io consider! a? ellher, argn-Ing argn-Ing llmt congress has submitted both I amendments io the slates for ratiricn-I ratiricn-I t'on and one hit already been rnUricU, wilh action on theOothcr e.pectcd shortly. Demands by Mime or the wojnen leaders Tor "flff y-ririy' recognition m party control is also meeting opposition opposi-tion from the men. One member or the national committee ald todav that the projM)scd dual control, Willi ii man and woman chairman each with separate cominJiteen in each siiue, would eii.o pcrinniieiit division between be-tween the men and wciincn voters. It would be as logical, he added, to elect two presidents, one lor tho men and 1 one Tor the women. Wliaiever plan Is agreel on, he lil, .should provide ror 1 assimilation of the women voters In the existing parly mncliinery, nnwihly through the xppnlmmeiit or women vice chairmen of the s(nt nnd na- tlonnl commitloeA, : |