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Show i,- WASHINGTON, June 1 Copy of a. '.i 1 cablegram .sent from Paris July t, in 10, Ijy Herbert Hoover to Julius 11,: ) j Harnqs, president of the L'nlted suues. . 1 jrraln corporation, for trarumlttal to1 ' President Wijxon, ileelurlng tlmt "ae-j I lrmlnutlon of stiKiir pollcicK riiures 1 , linmediulu 'eonslilerntion," was iiwkio ! public In the house todnr by Uepre- i :ciiiailve Tlnkhum, Hepubllcun, .Mas- i SRchuselts. ', ' .Mr. Tinkliam charged Umi rcsponsi-1 bllity for the hih price of augur vn.s, placed squarely on the shoulddei'.s or! I'residejll Wilson." The Massachusetts' Massachu-setts' representatlvif declared that the president could relieve the filiation even .now by following Mr. Hoover's j I -idvlce and rationing nou-esseutial onsumerH. Hoover Iic(iicstH Prompt .c(loit. ! .Mr. 'Hoover, In hla me.sase, .said !i ;hat it was necessary to take import- I ant decisions as to sugar control in j this country fn ordor to anticipate mej r ' marketing of a new beet harvest ami j i to settle the policy with Cuba for trio ' next year. "Any continuation of " control will-' will-' rerjulre action by congress," .Mr. Hoover Hoo-ver said, "and It must embrace appro-! j prlatloii!?, the continuation of power! and embargo, control of speculation,; profiteering and distribution." Referring: to ills recommendation In1 191 S for purchase of the Cuban crop! It vnjvr.Ml.j nun 1111,11 UJJ I done, Mr. Hoover said, at the ilme his cable-gram vn sent, the United States was the "only large nation poxsoHsmg . i j liberal supplies for iho entire year ami Vflj 1 ! .it a saving- of 4 cents a pound under Vi ih world price." "Decision must now be made," he said, "as to whether congress should legislate for authority for the continu- i' atlon Of these measures over the er w ' i 1020, providing' again for the purennse If, of the Cuban crop and the control of L ! ' domestic production,, stabilization of Vf ' ' price and distribution." I ' Mr. Hoover called attention to his 1 lack of intimate knowledge of affairs I at home after an eight months' ab- l ' sence on European . relief work, and 1 j suggested that Mr. Humes "request1 I ; 1'rofessor Taussig, Mr. . Znbrlskie and; I other members of ihe sugnr cqua:r.:i-' I j tlon board to pwsent you their rcc- I i, ommendations in the matter Indepenc:-. I) i ent of myself." ' ft i In the event they should deeloe 10 ' . propose to congret-s that control be Fill 1 continued, .Mr. Hoover urged that u 11 'I chairman be named in his place. I - , White Hcui.-r IY.II.s (o Act. I , -Mr, Tinkham, author of the resom-' I j tion for the sugar Investigation, uc-, I dared .Mr. Hoover's warning was rcin- I forced by a request from the sugar 1 board "for executive approval ana ' ji, purchase of the Cuban crop, and that if botln warnings were unheeded bv the' Uih White House." |