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Show OO New Pea Cannery At Smithfield is Busy , Work on the Morgan Pea Canning .'factory at Smlthfiehl h us boon eom-! eom-! pitted and the factory which Is one of the largest of its kind in the United States, Is now running full ' I blast. The factory whs erected at a , cost of $500,000, including several I vinery stations at various points in Cache valley. The fai lory Is putting out 70 000 cases of peas dally, which is 168.000 'cans. It is stated that the output for I the season will be about 100,000 I or 3.600,000 cans. The plant is owned j ti James and Joseph Anderson of I Morgan. The peas are shipped to ! every nook and corner of the I'nitcd I Stales. |