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Show FIRE CHIEFS IN ROME QUITS Irish Question Interjected in Convention of Blaze Fighters in Toronto TORONTO, On! . July 6. Chief John Kenton, of the navy fire depart -! ment. resinned oh president of the I n -1 ternational Association of Klre Engineers Engi-neers nt the annual convention today n a result of a difference of opinion between him and Chief Kuse of the Toronto fire department, over selection selec-tion of clergyman to deliver the opening open-ing prayer. Chief Kenlon, as president of the association as-sociation had Invited Archbishop McNeil Mc-Neil of the Roman Catholic diocese of Toronto, to officiate but Chief Russell as head of the local reception committee com-mittee had nsked Rev. II. J. Corh . of the AnKllcan church of I his city. Shortly after Chiel Kenlon s arrival Sunday, the Question of a clergyman was taken up bv the executive committee com-mittee which decided in favor of Chief , Russell's choice Chief Konlon'e resignation resig-nation was not accepted until he had abandoned the gathering and a standing stand-ing vol'1 had been taken. Tho vote I was l for acceptance of tho resignation resig-nation and 108 ncalnst ' hlef Knnlon stated later that he In- tends to remain at the convention throughout the week and to continue to give his services to the association ! Chief Kenlon said that the question, 'was "solely and absolutely an Irish t question " i I am an American citizen,' he added "and while I sympathize with Ireland In her struggle for a better form of government. I have no desire while on British soil, to Inject that question into the affairs of the association." associa-tion." The association, after accepting Chief Kenlon's resignation, extended him a vote of thanks for his services as president |