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Show I AS .JtffiOOKS WASHINGTON. D. C. July 27 day at one of the highly manicured Time was when the hotel proprietors j young men behind th- front dek you jor Washington were a haughty loi iThey had all the temperament of a I "movie" star and the irresponsibility I of a motorcycle Their rates were high enough to make even John D-realize D-realize that It was a very great privilege privi-lege Indeed to spend any time- In the capital, and tho ordinary' visitor was fortunate to find a place to sleep upon any terms whatever. But the dollar-n-year men have, gone. So have Contractors on the look-jout look-jout for quick profits. So have the men from Seattle and Sn Antonio, summoned here for a "conference" of j one kind or another So have a host 'of others, army officers, foreign diplomats, dip-lomats, temporary employes of various I department! Onlj the ordinary working work-ing force rcnvalns. I That Is why It Is no longer necessary neces-sary to send ahead an advance agent in order to make sure of a room Katrs have not come down to any Rre.it o. jt-nt. but courtesy is once more within I reach of all. "Why certainly. Is now I the watchword among the hotel clerk3 j Instead of the stereotyped 'Nothing ' right now " Practically nil the big establish-nunts establish-nunts are upon the same footing. It is possible to got o room In almost any of them when you want It and on the ! floor where you want It. To look to- I would not fuspect that lu waa the same gentleman who two years ago unblushingly suggested that you rent an alcove at the rate that you formerly for-merly paid for a sultev Even in Washington men live und learn. BBS Though every loyal Washlngtonian I and what denizen of the capital Is not loyal'' Insists that his city is the most beautiful on earth, most of them Will admit that the town suffers .somewhat .some-what from the system of parking motor mo-tor cars nose to nose in the middle of Pennsylvania avenue. Practically sneaking there Is no i way out of the difficulty but the fuct remains that the unbroken front I f touring cars, runabouts, edanrf und other vehicles mars the sweeping line of these handsome thoroughfares in many of the prominent streets there are double rows of automobiles every weekday from 9 In the morning until 5 In the afternoon To be sure, persons per-sons who have automobiles cannot be blamed for using them, and garage space for them downtown Is Inadequate, Inade-quate, but those who admire Washington Wash-ington and en.loy Its undeniable beauty cannot help wishing that the pirklnir problem could be solved some other wa v |