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Show GUARDSMEN LEAVING FOR RIFLE CONTESTS SALT LAKE. July 27 Eighteen : members of the Utah National guard 'will depart tomorrow noon over tho 'Denver and Klo Grande and the Missouri Mis-souri Pacific for Camp Poery, Ohio. '. to take part In the national rifle con-' con-' teats Members of the party are Colonel and Mrs. Fred Jorgensen, Captain and Mrs. John IV Cummock, Captain Joseph C Lillj white, h irst Lieutenant Delbcrt W Thomas, Sergoant Frederick Freder-ick An'. Bresdemeyer, Sergeant Peter B. Chrlstensen Sergeant Lorenzo F. Hansen, Sergeant John ll Lee, iii.rse-shoer iii.rse-shoer Wallace Lott. Corporal Morris, A Brady, Private Andrew E. Anderson. Ander-son. Private Peter H Arensbach Prl-ivate Prl-ivate Russel D. Faddls Private Thomas A. Fielding, Private Mont Gordon. Private Orlej Jejiperson, Private Basil I! Nelson and Private Christian K. i Pella. Dudley Baker, traveling passenger ag. nt for the Missouri Pacific with offices of-fices In Salt Lake arranged the transportation trans-portation for the members of the team |