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Show U I GREATEST TAX BILL COLLECTED Uncle Sam's Agents Gather Five Billion Dollars in Fiscal Year WASHINGTON, July 27 Tho na-! na-! tion s greatest tax bill, $5, 410. I'M, 87-1, was collected during the fiscal eur I ending June SO. Official figures showed that thv tax paid exceed' d nil estimates, by approximately $300,000,-j $300,000,-j 000 and wus nearly 75 per cent larger ' than thv total paid In either of th I war years of 1918 or 1919. The 1918 ia levy yielded $ 3.CS4.G 1 9,638 and the taxes In 1919 aggregated $3,839.-950.612. $3,839.-950.612. Collation of this record-breaking assessment cost the government $2? -750 ooo or nbout 65 cents for each i J100. EXCESS PROFITS. Revenues derived from Income anj exees.s profits tuxes were $3. 94 4,566, -: 737, nearly $1,260,000,000 larger than the collections In either of the last two years An increase for this year aiso was shown in the receipts from ' miscellaneous taxes which brought Iri ! $1,465,729,136. These taxes totalled $1,241,941,909 nnd $855 591.700 for 1819 and 1918 respectively New York btate continued to lead the- nation as a taxpayer, its burden ! totaling $1,416,939,276. of which $1,-135 $1,-135 097.403 came from the Wall Street district. The "hicago district paid all but $40,315,758 of the total Illinois taxes Of $442,23'.'.o;o. North an I south Dakota both in on collection district, ware called on to ', pay only $9,541,683. and with the exception ex-ception of the Philippine Islands were at the foot of the list. COLLECTIONS IN WEST. Collections by states or by groups i of states in cases where more than i one state comprises a district Included. In-cluded. California and Xuiada, $179,749,-j $179,749,-j 806; Colorado and Wyoming, $39.-56! $39.-56! 196.; Hawaii $1 1,027,646, lowa, $39.uih.37; Montana Utah and ida- (20,767,711; Nebraska, $24,211-'476; $24,211-'476; Now Mexico and Arizona. $8,- 196 Oregon. $27,264,123 Texas, 10J.hih 360; Washington and Alaska! 142.179,665; Philippine islands, $1,-. $1,-. 423.478; postoffice sales of internal revenue stamps (11 months;, $22,-53S.551. $22,-53S.551. i |