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Show HEALTH I 1 BY UNCLE SAM, M D. I '.i Health Questions Will Be Answered An-swered If Sent to Information Bureau, U. S. Public HeaJth Serv r Ice, Washington, O. C. i I Q Will you kindly tell me if there is any cure for snoring? The doctor , .told me that I have nothing to obstruct j I breathing in either nose or throat. I must spend a lot cf time traveling, and am often embarrassed by what I would gladly prevent If I knew how Embar rassed, A This Is a very difficult condition condi-tion to treat with success. In some cases the trouble can be avoided by changing the habitual position In sleeping. It Is suggested that you trv sleeping on the side or even face I dow n " Sri Q Please advise me how to cure KslW a "milk leg," and also what Is the cur f for hot urine1 V A. In cases of "milk leg" it Is ur- I fa ually very important to keep the leg 'i j absolutely at resi for a long time, preferably pre-ferably In a horizontal position. Aba I ' all, do not massage or rub it Be such to consult a enmpetont physician and I , have him tell you Just what to do So II far as the "hot urine" is concerned, this Is probably caused by an Inflam- j jmation of the bladder, or of tho uri- I ' ' nary passages. This, too, requires V j prompt treatment by a physician, I. Ifo2; jnot attempt to treat yourself It may w make matters very much worse. Q I am bothered considerably with flfi i cystitis. Phyiscians give me only tern i .' Iporary relief. K'ndlv gin mo a rem ed that n ill effei I a cure flit fl-it is not possible to give you spe- FlF' -jclfic information regarding a cure for f K -Cystitis If the condition docs not re- ' I Ispond to the treatment presented b t ' your physicians it may be that theftJ Sf 'T :i is some serious underlying eondi'i'.n which H rponsible for this failure. I j Ml is suggested that v'U discuss the m.n " fii ter frankly vviili yoi physlclnn and NbbmI 'perhaps, if neceasary, he him refej S: I you to some' specie list for consultation ssfr |