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Show LIBERTIES 1ST BE GIVEN BACK, nominee says Chief Task is to Reposses I People of Their Government, He Declares MORROW OF KENTUCKY I I NOTIFIES C00LIDGE I Candidate Asserts Observance Of Law is Greatest Solvent of Public Ills I NORTHAMPTON, Mass., July 27 Rescue from the reactions of war was H iescrlbed as the transcendent need of H the nation In an add rods which Gov- H i rnor Coolldge delivered here today in accepting formally tho Republican nomination for vice president. "The H rhlef task that lies beiore us," he said, "is to repossess the people of their government and their property." H Governor Coolldge found another source of gravest concern in ' the re-actionary re-actionary tendency to substitute pri- Mite will for the public will " He said H there had been a disposition on the part of some Individuals and of groups to Inquire whether they liked tile law. H and If not to disregard lt and prevent H its execution by the method of direct action. "The observance of the law," H he siid, "is the greatest solvent of H public ills." Ho deplored attempts to H create class distinctions. H AT SMITH ' )1,LEGE. The scene of the notification was H Alien field, the recreation ground of H Smith college a national ampltheatre. iH A platform large enough lo accommo- H dale only the speakers and a few dis- H tinguished guests was erected at one H 'nd of the field and on the grassv H slopes before lt the great assemblage H Governor Coolldge heard from Gov- H ci nor Edwin P. Morrow of Kentucky H the formal announcement of his nom-. H Ination by the spontaneous wish" of H ihc B Discussing economic relations. Gov- rnor Coolldge declared the extrava- 1 Kant standards of government expen.il- H tnrs bred of recent years must be H eliminated, and a revision of taxation H ' ' ompanied by a reduction of pri- H vale extravagance. He urged a dif- H a larger comprehension of the inter- dependence of capital, management H and labor and better facilities for the H adjustment of industrial disputes. The H need of the larrnei - Ik said, is an en- H larged power of organization whereby H the original producer may profit to a larger degree by the high prices paid H for his produce by the ultimate con- IH umer and at the Sams time decrease H the cost o', H Loi VL si PR IGR The nominee said equal suffrage is coining, thut relief from distress is H the right of th men who served in the war and urged greater recognition H of the rights of negroes. 'Tho proposed league of nations H without reservations as submitted by H thl president lo the senate inel with deserved opposition from Republican senators," said Governor Coolldge. H ur party approves the principle of agreement among nations to 'preserve H peace and pledges Itself to tho making of such an agreement preserving Am-erlcan Am-erlcan Independence and rights as will meet every duty America owcj to hu- 1 "l'our presence tells me," said Gov- ll einor Coolldge in opening his address. 'of a leader and a cause. Your leader iH choice of a united party, a statesman 'H Of ubility, seasoned by experience, in I fll all things a stalwart American, the ' H cause of our common country, as de- fI eland in the platform of the Repub- IH lllcan party, the defense of our lnsti- IH Unions from every assault, the res- tH Itoiatlon of constitutional government, jH the maintenance of law; and order, the rH relief of economic distress, the encour- t fement of industry and agriculture H und the enactment of humanitarian H laws, the defense of the rights of our pH citizens everywhere, the rehabilitation 1 of this nation In the estimation of all iH peoples, under an agreement, meeting 'jH our every duty, to preserve the peace ihe world, always with unyielding H Americanism under such a leader, such u cause, I serve i i : . KT TO UNDERMINE. "No one in public 1 if o can bo ob- H ioUS to the organized efforts to un- H d( rmlue the authority of our people H in their government, create discord. H aggravate industrial und class strife. H mim ultimately cause revolution. The H 1181 duty of the government is lo re- H pr u them punishing wilful viola- I ot law tvirning the full Mk'IiI of publicity on all abuses of the right H 0 publicity and of free speech and it H is the first duty of the president and H the prtsj lo oppose false doctrines and answer seditious arguments. Such H repression and such testimony should be lorthcomlng that tho uninformed I may come to a full realization that lie .seditious efforts are not for their 1 li ne, but for their complete and 01 onomlc and political destruction. ! The greatest need of the nation at thi present time Is to be rescued from all the reactions of tho war The chief task that lies before us Is to repossess the people of their government and thc-lr property Unless the government govern-ment and property of the government my In the hands of the people and there to stay us their permanent abid- ( Ini; place self-government ends and t the hope of America goes down lr Governor Morrow Notifies Cooldige NORTHAMPTON,. Mas,, Jul) 27. ' This nomination Is tendered you as the pontaeous wish of your party' said Governor Edwin P. Morrow, of Kentucky, principal speaker at the (Continued ou Page Two,) mi iiii i ! mmM LIBERTIES MUST BE GIVEN BACK, NOMINEE SAYS . (Continued From I'ago One.; ceremonies attending the notification; here today of Governor Calvin Cool-j ldge as candidate of the Republican party for vice president The west called to the cast." Gov-! ernor Morrow said. ' north and south heard the call and tho nation made answer." Governor Morrow ;iltacked the Democratic Dem-ocratic national adminstratlon for what he termed ks hesitating, stubborn stub-born and blundering attitude and called call-ed the league of nations an attempt to bring the bloody feuds of Europe I to the L'nlted Statr- "It Is fitting." Governor Morrow said. that In Massachusetts at the fountain of Americun freedom we I ...l.m.lli' t.lorlee 'i , ,..,! .,ife lh.it I made us free. Independent and prosperous pros-perous shall not be bartered fur a mess of unknown pottage and you are called to serve your country In a time of your country's need," Governor Morrow Mor-row continued. "At home grave economic econ-omic Industrial, social and governmental governmen-tal problems have loo long in the past and now continue to press for and demand de-mand solution and upon their proper solution. MA TR1 DLLS "But, confronted at home with high duties nnd most serious responsibilities the present national adminstratlon, entrusted en-trusted with the great powers of government gov-ernment has halted and hesitated and blundered while It bent all of Its stubborn stub-born energies upon the task of fastening fasten-ing upon us all of the ills of the world The president and all those who In the past have bowed lo his will and he whom has covered with his mantle committed to-hls policies and whom be now- seeks lo place ln his stead, have for more than a year and are now seeking to strip us of our nationalism by clothing the nation In the multicolored multi-colored garments of Internationalism: to take from us our sovereignty and I so through a leaglis of nations, to bind I us to the bloody feuds of Europe, to 'make us the guarantees of shifting boundary line to the ends of tho earth and to Involve us in the greed and strife and confusion of the old world,'' SPOKEN t l l ARIA In such a lime With such Issues confronting con-fronting the country. Governor Morrow Mor-row asserted. iov ernor Coolldgc Is confidently called upon to serve with a leader who has spoken clearly, Dravi ly and convincingly " ' His voice rings out now like a bugle bu-gle through the lard." he said ' We now await your message, convinced thai It will bo In full accord with the lime-honored, time-proven policies of the Republican party and that It will proclaim our party's principals of service ser-vice to the nation and its people When you have spoken America will know-that know-that captain and male have turned the old ship of slate from her wanderings home, to the needs of the hour home, to keep all and to save all that I the past gave and which tho future I promises home, to solve our problems here and to fulfill as we always have done, our full share of world responal-; responal-; bihty." |