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Show I BAILEY COMING BACK. I Texas will be disgraced, if, in November, former United States J Senator .Joseph W Bailey be elected governor of the Lone Star 'J state. I More than a decade has passed since Bailey was driven from 1 public life by the Standard Oil scandals, which uisclosed that, while Ji he was serving in the senate, ostensibly as a representative of the J people of Texas, in reality he was the servant of the big oil monop- I oly and received for his services a large retainer. During the war the former senator was in the twilight zone, II doing little or nothing to sustain the government. J In his early career he was a brilliant fellow, with promise of 1 unlimited advancement. He was the pride of Texas and the admira-, admira-, tion of his party. Then came the publication of private letters pass-3 pass-3 ing between the Standard Oil magnates and preminent politicians. Jj and in the correspondence were letters to Bailey, proving his dou-j dou-j blc-dealing with the public. 3 In the Democratic primaries in Texas. Bailey is in the lead, and 'M tle ProsPects are no will be one of two men to participate in the 3 elimination contest of August 28. 'M Texas Democrats will create a bad impression, if they fail te de- M ZvLt Bail ay t ilBfl BBfijMHalcJri i3um3b4 fiSkiiufr mSAatjkii-u exit, iH |