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Show FOUilTRUNK CASE VICTIM Alabama Newspaper Says Woman is Wife of Farmer, Who Disappeared I POLICE SEARCHING FOR BODY'S VITAL ORGANS Description of LeRoy Sent Out to Peace Officers of Country P.lltM INGH AM. Ala-. July 21. Positive ld ntiflcation of Die woman I known as Mrs. Kugene Iroy, whose I mutilated body was found jammed in a trunk by New York express com- pany employee, was claimed toda by 'the Birmingham 'News In a special story! The paper declares that the j woman was Mrs. Katherlne Jackson. 19 years old. whose maiden name was i Katherlne I-ou Fondren, and that her home was at Sturgls. Miss The dead woman's husband was Kid McCoy Jackson, a young farmer who i bas never been Inside tho prise ring, despite his name, the newspaper de- clares. After the death of her mother in 191) the young wife soon disappeared, iho Nws says, to be heard from later from P.lrmlngham, Nashville and other cities. So far ns is known, the story says, she never returned to her bus-, 1 band or obtained a divorce- Bi M T 1 i Bl M mil K DETROIT. Mich, July 27. A statement state-ment n the police by Mrs. Leo Tium-bull, Tium-bull, wife of u patrolman, that Mrs. I I Eugene Leroy, victim of Detroit's jtiunk murder mystery, had confided in her that she whs uboui lo become Is mother, injected a new thory into the case today. Police today divided their attention between a hunt for Leroy, husband of Ltbe slain women, and a second trunk i believed to contain the vital organs jof the body, and whioh is known to have been sent from the Harper ave-I ave-I nuo apartment house where the Le- royi lived. Mrs. Trumbull was to go to Now i York today to view the body. The police declared todaj tliey had established that Mi Leroy planned 1 un attempt at suicide before h r death. POl ICE T WORK, CHICAGO. July 27. Police today J were investigating the story of C. C. ETinley, Pullman porter, that a man answering to B. Leroy's description. s ho came from Detroit to Chicago recently, re-cently, and aroused the porter's sua-1 plclon by remarks about police being in search of him 1'he police sent messages out to western railroad centers following the porter's statement that the man, accompanied ac-companied by a woman, said he was going to Los Angeles, taking a Santa kFe train out of Chicago H HOY DESCRIPTION. I DETROIT. July 27 Search for Eu-g Eu-g no Leroy, whooo wife s mutilated body was found in a trunk shipped from Detroit to New York, nssumed tiatlon-Wide proportions today. Aid of police In every l.irge city was Wked after Patrolman Leo Trumbull 0f Detroit failed to Identify us Leroy. a man giving tho name of Roy Mlllen ahd hold at Chicago. Leroy's description as sent out by the police follows: Age 23 or 24, height .". feet 10 Inches; weight H5 pounds smooth j face. Swarthy complexion; Jet-black , hair, combed straight back, scar on left leg; teeth good, even- When last seen Leroy wore a dark green a Oat, green soft hat silk shirt, bow-tie and ! tan oxfords. 1 |