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Show I a'- S If Sugar Is High P Can Without It ll' rySSX ",c Te err Mn,J,ri Mason Ji' i I J 'vVl and Cap and ini ; ' I preserv; I u c r -A H with or without iuj;ar. This jar and the I '- f -''yjyj frr Economy with wide mouths admit lrst fruits and vccetablcs whole and (Tl I'jlw' '- sreea'icr toclean. Kerr Maron Jarj ahr, xv, ''lMfA fcril lr"fht without rubber riup and I j .1 OTW'tV A K-rr Mj'hi caps fit ANY Kla-on 'v. !Affltry :. -' iar Your dealer bao all thr;e style? of j 1 Vv-'-j; ;';.rJ ..' a-JI Kc" raDdcapsor cm pet them from Xv-SN canning recipe book. v it . NOW PLAYING 1:45 !o 11 Pj H OGDEN THEATRE "THEY DON'T MAKE 'EM ANY COOLER" I none better than j j STANDARD CLUB If GINGER ALE I ll I An Ogden Product, Unsurpassed in jlgpi quality, purity and healthfulness. IhIi It's a household necessity these nil warm days when nothing is more de- iHII! lightful than a cool refreshing drink f lllill f Standard Club- THY Tills (JM. j Ll'P STANDARD CLUB j GINGER ALE AND !' viV I ) 'ifffJ 1' 13 B,at Hfspe Ju.ce x XT?rnfMirSk'fllUl 2 3 l,,5S Standard Club it wSa tfjmKSKLf Ginger Ale I VdA EhCBhBu' Juice of 1 Z lemon I' H I v 'W " Cracked Ice I IS STANDARD BOTTLING I Phone 965-W For a Case jj MM a '' epicureans crav- I ing for delicious- LliJJ I 1 J . ' IT ni-s-L--L---!-i-L----i WKM . ;fiH BJJBJSB |