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Show ON WITH THE DANCE Ballroom Artist Advances Three Golden Rules in Dancing MAURICE FORESEES GREAT FUTURE FOR . SANE DANCING BY MAURICE (World's Most Fnniou'; Ballroom Dancer, ) LONDON, England. July 26. When I i due home to merlcn 1 am going lie make the fight there for the simpi. ! beautiful dances that everybody can learn ' have made the flpht here In London and It has met with some hos-tllity hos-tllity and opposition. I expected both and t her. lor.- wa not SuiiJ'i ised. I have ilreadj said something .-iLout my tolk to a conference of British dancing danc-ing teachers. After I left that meet-ins:, meet-ins:, there were some who said they thought It a piece of Impertinence for a young man find an American to presume pre-sume to tea h l-ndon darn ing masters hi w aqd what to teach I afterwards 1 made my reply to them 1 plead guil-1 guil-1 ty to being both young and American jand to belni? proud and glad to be j both. I ATT CTvED AMERICAN STEPS. As to my nationality, I said 1 felt no apology was necessary anywhere I In the world, least of all In this con-I con-I f erence where my sole islie was to ; help them make dancing more popu-lar popu-lar and more democratic I called at- tentlon to the fact that some of the things I attacked were of American oilgln. such as the eccentric steps introduced in-troduced Into the fox-trot. As io mj youthfutiiess, I said! I franklj confessed I wns Interesled In modern dancing. I did not care a rap about how the grnndfatheis danced In the days of good Queen Victoria. Now-, why am 1 so Interested In keeping the dance simple and grace-1 CUl? Because I am convinced that If we keep It so. dancing will not bo n i rely s passing fad. It will not b . question of how long the so-called 'craze for dancing" will last, hut the extent to which It will grow All pi esent indications point to its developing devel-oping far beond the point attained In America before we went into the war. I see the time coming when practlc lily tjie ti i a Jorlt of our people will be dancing There is no more pleasant, innocent. beautiful and health-giving recreation for young and old than Indulgence In the sane kind of dances. OLD S RACE. The objections of the pulpit and the, ridicule of the press are not leveled at the proper kind of dances, but atl the freak Innovations. Dancing is as! old as the race. It began with early! man before he wrote poetry and before be-fore he had a religious ritual In the1 ancient world, it became part of his' i religious rites It will outlast all the decadent Inventions ot foolish people who seek to coin freaklshness lnto' money. I Leonora Hughes herpo hb theories o) dancing There are three golden rules -in i inncing: Seek proper rhythm. Seek grace. Seek beautiful simplicity. |