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Show THE HABIT OF CHEERFULNESS Be sunny" has grown to be sodfething of a catchword, but it is a pretty good all-round motto for everyday life as well. The cook may have gone away in a temper ; on the very day oil your dinner party it's a way cooks have or the dressmaker ma' havo failed to send home your new frock in time for Irs. So.-and-so's recep. tion, but frowns and tears and grumbling will not help matters in cithci- case. Tt may be that the world contains con-tains other cooks, or even that the same one may be induced to return in time to save the day. And if not, why not pitch right in and do the best you can muster? If your dinner does not turn out quite as you would like, .just make a joke of the whole affair and let your guests laugh with you. Bless you, they, too, have troubles of their own and the7- will relish almost al-most any sort of a repast that is served with laughter sauce. And. as for the dress that did not come, why, since you must do without it in any event, you have other frocks possibly and if you furbish one of them up a bit and wear it with your lightest heart and your gladdest smile, people will simply wonder why they never knew before how pretty pret-ty you are and bow tastefully yon dress. That is, the people who count for anything. And as for the others, who cares about what they think, anyway. There are recipes by the score for eradicating wrinkles and keeping keep-ing crowns' feet at bay; but a cheerful mind discounts all of them. Tt isn't easy to be cheerful when things go wrong, you say. No, but it doesn't help any to be grumpy, does it? Then, in the expressive slang of the day, "forget "for-get it." Cheerfulness is a habit just as much as worrying only it is a good deal pleasanter for yourself and everybody else. Get the habit, then-; and the first thing you know the worries will have taken flight. They cannot stand sunshine. In a cheerful atmosphere atmos-phere they find themselves so distinctly dis-tinctly "out of it" that thejr prefer pre-fer to make themselves scarce. Therefore, be cheerful. It may cost you something at first, but it will pay in the end. How to manage it? Look out instead of in. You are not the only human creature who has troubles. Every woman has them and most men so you cannot lay claim to exclusiveness along this line. But the world is a pretty good world on the whole, and you will enjoy it more than you do now when you begin to look out on it with unclouded eyes. Mi H Leave the house or the office or H the school room behind you once IH in a while and take a breathing H spell out in the open. And when vLWM 3rou do go out do not always go H shopping. Don't bother with H bargain days unless 3rou really H want something that you can't H buy any other time. And even at H the barbain counter be sunny. yLWM It may seem difficult, but it isn't H nearly as difficult as it seems if H you only start trying it. H |